Sobranie sochineniy. T. 3 [Collected Works. Vol. 3]. Bryussel’: Foyer Oriental Chretien, 1979, pp. 296–306.2. Ivanov, V.I. Dve stikhii v sovremennom simvolizme [Two Elements in the Modern Symbolism], in Ivanov, V.I. Sobranie sochineniy. Po zvezdam. Kn. 1 [Complete Works. By the Stars. Book 1]. Saint-Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo «Pushkinskiy Dom», 2018, pp. 166–191.
3. Ivanov, V.I. Drevniy uzhas [An Ancient Horror], in Ivanov, V.I. Sobranie sochineniy. Po zvezdam. Kn. 1 [Complete Works. By the Stars. Book 1]. Saint-Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo «Pushkinskiy Dom», 2018, pp. 255–273.
4. Platon. Kratil [Cratylus], in Platon. Sochineniya v 3 t., t. 1 [Works in 3 vols., vol. 1]. Moscow: Mysl’, 1968, pp. 413–491.
5. Platon. Timey [Timaeus], in Platon. Sochineniya v 3 t., t. 3, ch. 1 [Works in 3 vols., vol. 3, part 1]. Moscow: Mysl’, 1971, pp. 455–541.
6. Solov’ev, V.S. Tri rechi v pamyat’ Dostoevskogo [Three Speeches in Memory of Dostoevsky], in Solov'ev, V.S. Sochineniya v 2 t., t. 2 [Works in 2 vols., vol. 2]. Moscow: Mysl’, 1988, pp. 289–323.
7. Solov'ev, V.S. Smysl lyubvi [The Meaning of Love], in Solov'ev, V.S. Sochineniya v 2 t, t. 2 [Works in 2 vols., vol. 2]. Moscow: Mysl’, 1988, pp. 493–547.
Individual works
8. Gadamer, Kh.-G. Istina i metod: osnovy filosofskoy germenevtiki [Truth and Method: Fundamentals of Philosophical Hermeneutics]. Moscow: Progress, 1988. 704 p.
9. Gadamer, Kh.-G. O kruge ponimaniya [About the Circle of Understanding], in Gadamer, Kh.-G. Aktual'nost' prekrasnogo [The Relevance of Beauty]. Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1991, pp. 72–82.
10. Gadamer, Kh.-G. Dialekticheskaya etika Platona [Plato's Dialectical Ethics]. Saint-Petersburg: S.-Peterburgskoe filosofskoe obshchestvo, 2000. 252 p.
11. Ivanov, Vyach. Vypiska iz «Timeya» Platona [Extract from Plato's “Timaeus”], in Manuscripts Dept. of Institute of Russian Literature. F. 607. No. 128. 1 p.
12. Ivanov, Vyach. Lektsii po poetike. 1921–1922 (v zapisyakh studenta O.G. Ter-Grigoryana) [Lectures on Poetics. 1921–1922 (in the Notes of the student O.G. Ter-Grigoryan)], in Lichnyy arkhiv K.Yu. Lappo-Danilevskogo. 35 p.
13. Ivanov, Vyach. Avtorskoe istolkovanie stikhotvoreniya «Na sude pred bozhiem prestolom» [The Author’s Interpretation of the Poem “At the Judgment in front of God’s Throne”], in Vyacheslav Ivanov. Arkhivnye materialy i issledovaniya [Vyacheslav Ivanov. Archival Materials and Research]. Moscow: Russkie slovari, 1999, pp. 7–8.
14. Ivanov, Vyach. Dionis i pradionisiystvo [Dionysus and Pradionisiistvo], in Simvol: zhurnal khristianskoy kul’tury. Paris; Moscow, 2015, no. 65, pp. 9–429.
15. Ivanov, Vyach. Lektsii o Dostoevskom, prochitannye V. Ivanovym v Bakinskom universitete, v zapisyakh L.V. Ivanovoy. 1921 g. [Lectures on Dostoevsky by V. Ivanov at Baku University, in the Notes of L.V. Ivanova. 1921], in Ivanov, V.I. Dostoevskiy: Tragediya – Mif – Mistika [Dostoevsky: Tragedy – Myth – Mysticism]. Saint-Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo «Pushkinskiy Dom», 2021, pp. 169–178.
16. Khaydegger, M. Uchenie Platona ob istine [Plato's Doctrine of Truth], in Khaydegger, M. Vremya i bytie [Time and Being]. Moscow: Respublika, 1993, pp. 345–360.
17. Losev, A.F. O mifologii v literature [About Mythology in Literature], in F.M. Dostoevskiy i kul'tura Serebryanogo veka: traditsii, traktovki, transformatsii [F.M. Dostoevsky and the Culture of the Silver Age: Traditions, Interpretations, Transformations]. Moscow: Vodoley, 2013, pp. 564–570.
18. Losev, A.F. Dialektika mifa. Dopolnenie k «Dialektike mifa» (novoe akademicheskoe izdanie, ispravlennoe i dopolnennoe) [The Dialectic of Myth. Supplement to the “Dialectics of Myth” (New Academic Edition, Revised and Expanded)]. Moscow: Izdatel'skiy dom YaSK, 2021. 696 p.
19. Platon. Fedr (s pometami Vyach. Ivanova), in Manuscripts Dept. of Institute of Russian Literature. F. 607. No. 236. 116 p.
20. Shleyermakher, F. Germenevtika [Hermeneutics]. Saint-Petersburg: Evropeyskiy dom, 2004. 242 p.
21. Solov'ev, V.S. Predislovie [Introduction], in Tvoreniya Platona. T. I [Plato’s Works. Vol. I]. Moscow, 1899, pp. V–XII.
22. Solov'ev, V.S. Zhizn’ i proizvedeniya Platona (predvaritel’nyy ocherk) [Life and Work of Plato (Preliminary Essay)], in Tvoreniya Platona. T. I [Plato’s Works. Vol. I]. Moscow, 1899, pp. 1–30.
23. Zhebelev, S., Radlov, E.S. Predislovie [Introduction], in Tvoreniya Platona. T. I [Plato’s Works. Vol. I]. Petersburg: ACADEMIA, 1923, pp. 1–9.
(Articles from Scientific Journals)
24. Bird, R. Understanding Dostoevsky: A Comparison of Russian Hermeneutic Theories, in Dostoevsky Studies, New Series, 2001, vol. V, pp. 129–146.
25. Bonetskaya, N.K. Predtechi russkoy germenevtiki [Forerunners of Russian Hermeneutics], in Voprosy filosofii, 2014, no. 4, pp. 90–98.
26. Svetlov, R.V. Proiskhozhdenie germenevtiki i russkie perevody Platona XIX v. [The Origin of Hermeneutics and Russian Translations of Plato in the 19th Century], in Voprosy filosofii, 2019, no. 9, pp. 23–27.
(Articles from Proceedings and Collections of Research Papers)
27. Abramov, A.I. Otsenka filosofii Platona v russkoy idealisticheskoy filosofii [Evaluation of Plato’s Philosophy in Russian Idealistic Philosophy], in Platon i ego epokha [Plato and his Epoch]. Moscow: Nauka, 1979, pp. 212–237.
28. Berd, R. A.F. Losev i V.I. Ivanov: korni religioznoy germenevtiki [А.F. Losev and V.I. Ivanov: Roots of Religious Hermeneutics], in Obraz mira – struktura i tseloe. Losevskie chteniya. [The Image of the World – Structure and Whole. Losev Readings]. Moscow: Logos, 1999, pp. 225–233.
29. Berd, R. Simvolizm Vyacheslava Ivanova: ot romantiki k germenevtike [Vyacheslav Ivanov’s Symbolism: from Romanсe to Hermeneutics], in Materialy VII Mezhdunarodnogo simpoziuma «Vyacheslav Ivanov i ego vremya», Vena, 1998 [Materials of the VII International Symposium “Vyacheslav Ivanov and his Time”, Vienna, 1998]. Fr. a. Main: Lang, 2002, pp. 99–111.
30. Ermakova, L.L. Bibleyskaya leksika v perevodakh Vyach. Ivanova iz Eskhila [The Biblical Vocabulary in the Translations of Vyach. Ivanov from Aeschylus], in Materialy XI Mezhdunarodnoy Ivanovskoy konferentsii «Viacheslav Ivanov: the Enigma of Modernism»: Zagadka modernizma: Vyacheslav Ivanov [Materials of the XI International Ivanov’s Conference «Viacheslav Ivanov: the Enigma of Modernism»: The Riddle of Modernism: Vyacheslav Ivanov]. Moscow: Vodoley, 2021, pp. 367–375.
31. Gidini, K. Literaturnaya kritika i germenevtika v rabotakh Ivanova o Dostoevskom [Literature Criticism and Hermeneutics in Ivanov’s Works on Dostoevsky], in Vjačeslav Ivanov: russischer Dichter, europäischer Kulturphilosoph: Beiträge des IV. Internationalen Vjačeslav Ivanov Symposiums, Heidelberg, 4–10 September 1989. Heidelberg: Universi-tätsverlag C. Winter, 1993, pp. 190–203.
32. Isupov, K.G. Germenevtika Vyacheslava Ivanova [Vyacheslav Ivanov’s Hermeneutics], in Simvolizm i germenevtika. T. 18 [Symbolism and Hermeneutics. Vol. 18]. Siedlce, 2012, pp. 47–98.
33. Lappo-Danilevskiy, K.Yu. «Perevod-istolkovanie» v ponimanii Vyach. Ivanova [“Translation-Interpretation” in the Understanding of Vyach. Ivanov], in Materialy XI Mezhdunarodnoy Ivanovskoy konferentsii «Viacheslav Ivanov: the Enigma of Modernism»: Zagadka modernizma: Vyacheslav Ivanov [Materials of the XI International Ivanov’s Conference “Viacheslav Ivanov: the Enigma of Modernism”: The Riddle of Modernism: Vyacheslav Ivanov]. Moscow: Vodoley, 2021, pp. 346–366.
34. Losev, A.F. Platonovskiy ob"ektivnyy idealizm i ego tragicheskaya sud'ba [Platonic Objective Idealism and Its Tragic Fate], in Platon i ego epokha [Plato and his Epoch]. Moscow: Nauka, 1979, pp. 9–57.
35. Takho-Godi, A.A. Mif u Platona kak deystvitel’noe i voobrazhaemoe [Plato's Myth as Real and Imaginary], in Platon i ego epokha [Plato and his Epoch]. Moscow: Nauka, 1979, pp. 58–82.
36. Terras, V. The Metaphysics of the Novel-Tragedy: Dostoevsky, in Russian-ness: Studies on a Nation’s Identity, in Honor of Rufus Mathewson, 1918–1978. Michigan, 1990, pp. 153–163.
37. Titarenko, S.D. K istolkovaniyu zametok Vyacheslava Ivanova na polyakh dialoga Platona «Fedr» [To the Interpretation of Notes by Vyacheslav Ivanov in the Margins of Plato's Dialogue “Phaedrus”], in Vyacheslav Ivanov. Issledovaniya i materialy. Vyp. 1 [Vyacheslav Ivanov. Research and Materials. Issue 1]. Saint-Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo «Pushkinskiy Dom», 2010, pp. 402–413.
38. Berd, R. Simvolizm posle simvolizma [Symbolism after Symbolism]. Saint-Petersburg: Nestor-Istoriya, 2022. 320 p.
39. Losev, A.F. Vladimir Solov'ev i ego vremya [Vladimir Solovyov and his Time]. Moscow: Molodaya gvardiya, 2009. 617 p.
40. Silard, L. Germetizm i germenevtika [Hermetism and Hermeneutics]. Saint-Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo Ivana Limbakha, 2002. 328 p.