Visible and Physical as Unspeakable (Fedorov – Tolstoy – Shestov – Rozanov – Shklovsky)
At the turn of the 19th–20th century and in the first third of the 20th century literary conventions changed, the poetic word reached the limits of the expressible. The article argues that aesthetic thought in this period is developing largely under the influence of L.N. Tolstoy’s late period of work, when he radically revised his view of the unity and monolithic nature of narrative, testing a new mode of writing. On the other hand, it is shown that the views of N.F. Fedorov and L.N. Tolstoy’s role of scientific knowledge largely determines the worldview during this period. The article proves the position that the limits of the expressible in art also correspond to the desire of the creator to image his personal presence in the work as evidence of its truth. In particular, it was revealed that N.F. Fedorov sees in a close reading of a book and studying system of views of its author the source of his bodily resurrection. L.N. Tolstoy expressed the search of truth “for himself” as religious feeling. The article shows that the visible and physical verify to the truth of absolute unity in the philosophy of V.S. Solovyov. Author’s personal presence in his work (literally “author’s face”, according to L. Shestov) is a way to resist the “lie” (according to A.A. Potebnya) of expressed and published thoughts. The lie also examined by V.V. Rozanov. He contrasted “literature” and “handwriting of the soul” as the work “for self”. The conclusion emphasizes similarity of views on the nature of art from Tolstoy and Fedorov through Shestov and Rozanov to Shklovsky.
Collected Works
1. Fedorov, N.F. Tvorenie i vossozdavanie [Creation and Recreation], in Fedorov, N.F. Sobranie sochineniy: v 4 t., t. 2 [Collected Works in 4 vols., vol. 2]. Moscow: Izdatel'skaya gruppa «Progress», 1995, p. 77.
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Individual Works
10. Ben'yamin, W. Proizvedenie iskusstva v epokhu ego tekhnicheskoy vosproizvodimosti [The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction], in Ben'yamin, W. Uchenie o podobii. Mediaesteticheskie proizvedeniya [Doctrine of similarity. Media aesthetic works]. Moscow: RGGU, 2012, pp. 190–231.
11. Lévinas, E. Total'nost' i beskonechnoe [Totality and the Infinite], in Lévinas, E. Izbrannoe: Total'nost' i beskonechnoe [Works: Totality and the Infinite]. Moscow; Saint-Petersburg: Universitetskaya kniga, 2000, pp. 66–288.
12. Potebnya, A.A. Psikhologiya poeticheskogo i prozaicheskogo myshleniya [Psychology of poetic and prosaic thinking], in Potebnya, A.A. Slovo i mif [Word and myth]. Moscow: Pravda, 1989, pp. 201–235.
13. Rozanov, V.V. Opavshie list'ya [Fallen leaves], in Rozanov, V.V. O sebe i zhizni svoey. Uedinennoe. Smertnoe. Opavshie list'ya. Apokalipsis nashego vremeni [About yourself and your life. Secluded. Mortal. Fallen leaves. Apocalypse of our time]. Moscow: Moskovskiy rabochiy, 1990, pp. 165–576.
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(Articles from Scientific Journals)
16. Gacheva, A.G. V.Ya. Bryusov, N.F. Fedorov i deyateli Fedoroviany 1900–1920-kh godov: vopros o smysle i tselyakh iskusstva. Stat'ya pervaya: O chem sporili Bryusov i Fedorov v dome Yu.P. Barteneva [V.Y. Bryusov, N.F. Fedorov and the Fedorovians of the 1900s-1920s: The Question of Meaning and Goals of Art Article one: What were Bryusov and Fedorov Arguing about in the House of Yu.P. Bartenev], in Solov'evskie issledovaniya, 2023, issue 4(80), pp. 113–131.
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(Articles from Proceedings and Collections of Research Papers)
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