1. The length of papers is up to 1 print sheet (40,000 characters with spaces, including an abstract, a list of references and References), reviews - up to 0.5 printed sheet. The text is provided on electronic medium in Microsoft WORD or by e-mail maximov@philosophy.ispu.ru (files with materials must be titled by author's surname). Times New Roman font, A4 page size. Margins: head – 1.5 cm; bottom, right and left-2 cm. Paper size: width – 16.5 cm; height – 23.5 cm.
2. The structure of the manuscript must be:
– UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) and LBC (Library-Bibliographical Classifications) are in upper left-hand corner;
– author’s/authors’ full name (in Russian) with line interval 1.0, the name of the organization, degree, position, country, city (in Russian), and e-mail of the author, body-size 9;
– the title of the manuscript is centrally with line interval 1.0, lowercase letters, bold-faced font, body-size 13, (word break is prohibited in Russian);
– abstract must be given with line interval 1.0 (200-250 words (1500-1800 characters with no spaces)), body-size 9, italic (in Russian);
– key words must be given with line interval 1.0 (10-15 words), body-size 9 italic (in Russian);
Further, all the same information is given in English.
– the text of the manuscript must be written with line interval 1.0, body-size 11, line-spacing 1.0, paragraph indention 1 cm (5 characters), automatic hyphenation is on, quotes throughout the text are only angular, use quotes of a different type inside the quote: «” ……”»;
– reference list is typed with line interval 1.0 in Russian (the title «Список литературы») and references in Latin characters (the title References) (includes cited books; in bibliography list all authors are included)
- information about funding (grants, etc.) is given in Russian and English.
3. Contents and structure of abstract
Abstract must reflect main semantic content of the manuscript and its characteristic. The abstract must include following parts: the state of the issue (the degree of study of the issue in science and literature, the justification of the relevance of the chosen topic); materials and methods (on what material and with what methods the designated problem is considered); the results of the research (using verb forms and phrases of the following type: are considered..., are stated..., is approved..., is proposed..., is justified...; methods are used..., provisions (concepts, ideas) are justified..., overview is given...; are considered..., are stated..., are identified..., are proposed...; analysis is given..., theory (concept) is presented..., etc.); conclusions.
In connection with the preparation of the journal for index-linking in the international analytical system Sciverse Scopus editors of the journal ask to pay special attention to abstract composing in correspondence with peculiarities of this genre.
The abstract in English must be written in compliance with the grammar and style of the English language, using the special terminology used in English-language publications; it must not be performed with the help of automatic translators (it does not have to be a literal translation of the Russian variant of abstract).
In accordance with the requirements of Scopus, it is not allowed to make detailed comments in footnotes; the necessary comment must be given in the text of the article or in brackets inside the text.
Keywords must reflect the main content of the article; determine the subject area of the study; occur in the text of the article (proper names, general concepts and general scientific terms are not keywords).
4. Guidelines to sections «Bibliography list» and References
The sections «Bibliography list» and References are arranged below the article separately (Times New Roman, body-size 9). «Bibliography list» must contain no less than 20 items. It is recommended that at least 30% of the sources included in the bibliographic list must be works published in English and other foreign languages. Numbering of Bibliography list and its reference in the text are performed without automatic arrangement of references.
According to the requirements of Scopus, the References section must have the following structure:
– references to sources (Sources):
– Collected Works
– Individual Works
– references to the articles in scientific journals (Articles from Scientific Journals);
– references to the articles in collections of scientific works (Articles from Proceedings and Collections of Research Papers);
– references to monographs (Monographs);
– references to theses and abstracts of theses (Thesis and Thesis Abstracts);
– references to electronic resources (Electronic Resources).
In bibliography list in the section References the titles of the articles from journals and information packages are omitted (in case the titles are written the description must include their English variant); original titles of book publications (monographs, information packages, conference proceedings), published in Cyrillic characters must be given in transliteration (in italics) and in English (in square brackets); the date-line (city (for book publications), volume (vol.), number (no.), pages (pp., p.)) are translated into English. The necessary date-line: for journals articles – year, volume, issue number, pages; for books – place of publication, year, number of pages. Place of publication including Moscow and Saint-Petersburg is written in full.
One system of transliteration must be applied available at http://translit.ru (in the list «Variants» choose variant BGN). Samples of bibliography descriptions arrangement in sections «Bibliography list» and References are at journal’s site http://solovyov-studies.ispu.ru and at journal’s page http://www.ispu.ru/node/6623
In texts typed in Latin, the quotation mark variant “...” is used.
5. Reference arrangement
References to the cited literature when using direct quoting (if the quote is a detailed, complete statement with an indication of the author and the source of the quote) are made in the text in square brackets. For example: In the work "Dialectics of Myth" (1930), A. F. Losev writes: " The text of the quotation" [1, p. 15] (the first digit indicates the ordinal number in the List of References, the second -the page of the cited source). If indirect quoting or partial quoting techniques are used (i.e., individual words, phrases, turns of speech), then the link is made out as a subscript (in the text – an upper index; at the bottom of the page, a bibliographic description of the cited source is given-under a solid line separating the main text, Times New Roman font, size 9). For example: See: Igosheva T.V. The early lyrics of A.A. Blok (1898-1904): poetics of religious symbolism. Moscow: Global Com, 2013. Pp. 15-25 [1]. Just like a subscript link (with an upper index), author's notes are also drawn up.
When repeating reference in a page-by-page footnote, an abbreviated version of the bibliographic description of the source is used (it is allowed to shorten long names of sources; date-line is omitted). If the repeated link goes immediately below the link with the bibliographic description of the source, the following entry is used: Ibid. P. ...
References to electronic resources are allowed only in the absence of their "paper" counterparts, with the correct indication of the address of the web page and the date of access to it.
6. Authors of the articles published in source language (English, German, French), must submit a report of the article in 4500 characters with no spaces (700 words) in Russian.
7. Author’s reference is submitted in separate file in the following way:
– full name;
– scientific degree and academic rank;
– position, department, sector etc.;
– full name of organization / place of work;
– postcode and address of organization / place of work;
– postcode and address for correspondence;
– phone number;
– Е-mail