Rhythmic structure of Aleksei F. Losev’s texts
The present article considers rhythm as the basis of the structure of Losev’s philosophical works. His understanding of rhythm is traced both as on the basis of his own thought as in the broad context of philosophical and linguistic concepts of rhythm, in particular, in connection with various kinds of poetic recitation widespread in the 20th century. The author shows how the rhythmic organization of the text represents itself in Losev’s works, and enumerates the main formal techniques of such organization (repetition, enumeration, anaphora, syntactic parallelism, euphony, syntactic transposition etc.). The study of these formal elements allows the author not only to describe Losev’s style, but also to clarify the similarity between the rhythmic organization of his own philosophical works and the poetic texts of the first half of the 20th century written in free verse (first of all, the author considers Daniil Kharms’ poems). The method of organizing texts by means of a sequence of negative definitions (apophatic) was also analyzed in the article; the main formal and substantive features of such texts are outlined and described.
Collected works
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Individual works
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