An Analysis on Studies of Aleksei F. Losev in China

Author: korolevaNV / Date: 13-06-2024 /
Publication Title: 
An Analysis on Studies of Aleksei F. Losev in China
Publication author(s): 
Liu Kun

The article gives a comprehensive overview of the research of Aleksei F. Losev's works and intellectual heritage in China. It is noted that since the first publication about Losev in China since 1988 extensive achievements in this field have appeared. The information and the analysis about the results of researches of the Chinese specialists from different generations are presented. The main innovative aspects are revealed on the example of the study of Losev's aesthetic thought by the author of the article: comparison of the concepts and categories of Western and Chinese aesthetics related to Losev's philosophy. The peculiarities of the poetics of Losev's musical-philosophical prose and his “Eros” writing are revealed. The artistic world of Fyodor Dostoevsky is considered with the help of Losev's aesthetic theory of the symbol. The author believes that the study of Losev in China is on the rise and has broad prospects.



(Articles from Scientific Journals)

  1. 凌继尧 [Ling Jiyao]《我有了生活—记苏联文化史家洛谢夫》[“I Have a Life” – Remembering the Soviet Cultural Historian Losev] //《读书》[Chtenie], 1989, №1. 191–196页。[1989, no. 1, pp. 191–196].


  1. 王振复、陈立群、张艳艳 [Wang Zhenfu, Chen Liqun, Zhang Yanyan]《中国美学范畴史》(第1卷)[History of Chinese Aesthetic categories. Vol. 1]。太原:山西教育出版社,2006年,344  页[Taiyuan: Shanxi Education Press, 2006. 344 p.]
  2. Losev, A.F. Muzyka kak predmet logiki [Music as a subject of logic], in Losev, A.F. Iz rannih proizvedeniy [From early works]. Moscow: Pravda, 1990. 655 p.
  3. Losev, A.F. Trio Chaykovskogo [Tchaikovsky's Trio], in Losev, A.F. Zhizn'. Povesti, rasskazy, pis'ma [Life. Novels, stories, letters]. Sant-Petersburg: Komplekt, 1993, pp. 150–271.
  4. 沃·塔塔科维兹 [Tartakewicz, V.].《中世纪美学》,褚朔维等译。北京:中科院出版社,1991年,203页。 [Aesthetics of Middle age]. Beijing: CAS Press, 1991. 203 p.
  5. Polyakova, S.V. Jeros [Eros], in Slovar' filosofskikh terminov [Dictionary of philosophical terms]. Moscow: INFRA-M., 2005, pp. 706–707.
  6. Dostoevskiy: Estetika i poetika: Slovar'-spravochnik [Dostoevsky: Aesthetics and Poetics: Dictionary-reference book]. Chelyabinsk: Metall, 1997. 272 p.
  7. Losev, A.F. Problema simvola i realisticheskoe iskusstvo [Problem of symbol and realistic art]. Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1976. 367 p.
Key words: 
myth, philosophical aesthetics, philosophy of music, the symbol, Eros, musico-philosophical prose, literary legacy of Dostoevsky
2024. Issue 2 (82)
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