Aleksei Losev on Plotinus' treatise «On Numbers»

Author: korolevaNV / Date: 13-06-2024 /
Publication Title: 
Aleksei Losev on Plotinus' treatise «On Numbers»
Publication author(s): 
Oppo Andrea

This article considers the historical and philosophical activity of A.F. Losev – an original thinker of the twentieth century. The author’s investigation focuses on Losev’s work “The Dialectics of Number in Plotinus” (1928). The translation, commentary and analysis of Plotinus’s treatise “On Numbers” (“Ennead” VI.6) are considered only as an example of A.F. Losev’s activity as a historian of philosophy, which reveals the depth of his historical and philosophical thought.


(Articles from Scientific Journals)

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(Articles from Proceedings and Collections of Research Papers)

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6. Florenskiy, P.A. Pifagorovy chisla [The Pythagorean Numbers], in Andronik (Trubachev), Trubacheva, M.S., Florenskiy, P.V. (eds.) Sochineniya v 4 t., t. 2 [Works in 4 vols., vol. 2]. Moscow: Mysl', 1996, p. 632–646.

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8. Gerson, L.P. (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Plotinus. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996.

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17. Troitskiy, V.P. O smysle chisel [On the Meaning of Numbers], in Losev, A.F. Mif, Chislo, Sushchnostˈ. Moscow: Mysl', 1994, pp. 894–903.


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22. Losev, A.F. Dialektika chisla u Plotina: Perevod i kommentarii traktata Plotina «O chislakh» [The Dialectics of Number in Plotinus: A Translation and Commentary on Plotinus’ “Treatise on Numbers”]. Moscow: Izdanie Avtora, 1928.

23. Losev, A.F. Istoriya antichnoy estetiki (v 8 t.) [History of Ancient Aesthetics (in 8 vols.)]. Vol. 6, Vol. 7.  Khar’kov: Folio; Moscow: AST, 2000.

24. Losev, A.F. Khaos i struktura [Chaos and Structure]. Moscow: Mysl’, 1997.

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28. Plotinus. Ennead VI. 6–9. Cambridge/London: Harvard University Press, 1988.

29. Slaveva-Griffin, S. Plotinus on Number. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009.



Key words: 
Enneads, philosophy of number, Plotinus’ metaphysics, Losev’s dialectics, Neoplatonism, ancient philosophy
2024. Issue 2 (82)
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