Konstantin Leontiev: ascetism and aesthetics

Author: korolevaNV / Date: 27-09-2024 /
Publication Title: 
Konstantin Leontiev: ascetism and aesthetics
Publication author(s): 
O.L. Fetisenko

The article briefly presents the main features and principles of K.N. Leontiev’s worldview and philosophizing. The main subject of the study is the relationship between the categories of “asceticism” and “aestheticism” in his philosophy, journalism and artistic creativity. The differences between Leontiev and the traditional idea of a conservative thinker are pointed out. The author pays attention to his “pedagogical” methodology, which manifested itself in communication with his closest students, and suggests that the universalism of the idea of “new eastern culture” developed by Leontiev is close to the philosophical program of Vl. S. Solovyov. Among other things, the article notes the idea that is usually missed in works about Leontief, that the discipline he preached was the discipline of a free spirit.




Collected Works

1. Leont'ev, K.N. Polnoe sobanie sochineniy i pisem v 12 t. [19 kn.] [Completed works and letters in 12 vols. [19 books]]. Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal', 2000–2021.

Individual Works

2. Aleksandrov, A.A. Pis'ma K.N. Leont'evu. Stikhotvoreniya. Stat'i. Vospominaniya. Materialy k istorii zhurnala «Russkoe Obozrenie» [Letters to K.N. Leontiev. Poems. Articles. Memoires. Materials to the history of the magazine “Russian Review”]. Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal', 2024. 815 p.

3. Fetisenko, O.L. «Geptastilisty»: Konstantin Leont'ev, ego sobesedniki i ucheniki [“Heptastylists”: Konstantin Leontiev, his interlocutors and disciples]. Saint-Petersburg, 2012. 784 p.

4. Korol'kov, A.A. Prorochestva Konstantina Leont'eva [Prophecies of Konstantin Leontiev]. Saint-Petersburg: St. Petersburg University Press, 1991. 197 p.

5. Kotel'nikov, V.A. Konstantin Leont'ev [Konstantin Leontiev]. Saint-Petersburg: Nauka, 2017. 286 p.

6. Kotov, A.E. Russkaya konservativnaya zhurnalistika 1870–1890-kh godov: Opyt vedeniya obshchestvennoy diskussii [Russian conservative journalism of 1870–1890s: Experience in public debate]. Saint-Petersburg: Knizhnyy Dom, 2010. 224 p.

7. Kristi, I.I. Pis'ma k K.N. Leont'evu. Stat'i [Letters to K.N. Leontiev. Articles]. Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal', 2016. 698 p.

8. [Makovitskiy, D.N.] U Tolstogo, 1904–1910. «Yasnopolyanskie zapiski» D.N. Makovitskogo. Kn. 1: 1904–1905 [With Tolstoy, 1904–1910. Yasnaya Polyana notes by D.N. Makovitsky. Book 1. 1904–1905], in Literaturnoe nasledstvo, t. 90, v 4 kn., kn. 1 [Literary Heritage, vol. 90, in 4 books, book 1]. Мoscow: Nauka, 1979. 544 p.

9. Shiffers, E.L. Religiozno-filisofskie proizvedeniya [Religious and philosophical works]. Мoscow: Russkiy institut, 2005. 656 p.

(Articles from Scientific Journals)

10. Aleksandrov, A.A. K.N. Leont'ev (po povodu stat'i o nem v «la Nouvelle Revue») [K.N. Leontiev (regarding the article about him in “la Nouvelle Revue”)], in Russkiy vestnik, 1892, no. 4, pp. 250–285.

11. Fateev, V.A. Konstantin Leont'ev «v polnyy rost»: k zaversheniyu izdaniya Polnogo sobraniya sochineniy i pisem K.N. Leont'eva (2000–2021) [Konstantin Leontiev “in full growth”: Marking the Publication of the Complete works and letters of K.N. Leontiev], in Russko-Vizantiyskiy vestnik, 2022, no. 4(11), pp. 45–58.

12. Fetisenko, O.L. «Asketicheskaya filosofiya» K.N. Leont'eva: tezaurus i kontekst [Constantin Leontiev’s “ascetic philosophy”: Thesaurus and context], in Dva veka russkoy klassiki, 2021, no. 2, pp. 150–167.

13. Fetisenko, O.L. Dva «pervykh marta»: Politicheskaya «meteorologiya» Konstantina Leont'eva [Two “first Marches”: Political “meteorology” by Konstantin Leontiev], in Rodina, 2015, no. 2, pp. 97–99.

14. Fetisenko, O.L. Pis'ma Konstantina Leont'eva kak lekarstvo ot unyniya [Letters of K.N. Leontiev as a cure for despondency], in Samopoznanie, 2015, issue 3, pp. 32–41.

15. Kamnev, V.M., Fetisenko, O.L. Akademicheskoe izdanie K.N. Leont'eva: ot zamysla k voploshcheniyu [Academic publication by K.N. Leontiev: from concept to implementation], in Russkaya filosofiya, 2022, no. 2(4), pp. 146–156.

(Proceeding and Collections Researcher Papers)

16. Fudel', I.I., prot. K. Leont'ev [K. Leontiev], in Fetisenko, O.L. (ed.) «Preemstvo ot ottsov»: Konstantin Leont'ev i Iosif Fudel': Perepiska. Stat'i. Vospominaniya [“Succession from fathers”: Konstantin Leontiev and Josef Fudel: Correspondence. Articles. Memoires]. Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal', 2012, pp. 387–391.

17. Fudel', I.I., prot. Sud'ba K.N. Leont'eva [The fate of K.N. Leontiev], in Fetisenko, O.L. (ed.) «Preemstvo ot ottsov»: Konstantin Leont'ev i Iosif Fudel': Perepiska. Stat'i. Vospominaniya [“Succession from fathers”: Konstantin Leontiev and Josef Fudel: Correspondence. Articles. Memoires]. Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal', 2012, pp. 373–375.

18. Gol'dt, R. Asketizm kak transtsendental'naya forma zaboty o sebe u K.N. Leont'eva [Ascetism as transcendental form of self-care by K.N. Leontiev], in Kherl'ta, Y., Tsendera, K. (eds). Izobilie i askeza v russkoy literature: Stolknoveniya, perekhody, sovpadeniya [Abundance and ascetism in Russian literature: Collisions, transitions, coincidences]. Moscow: NLO, 2020, pp. 122–145.

19. Leont'ev, K.N. Analiz, stil' i veyanie [Analysis, style and spirit of the times], in Leont'ev, K.N. Polnoe sobanie sochineniy i pisem v 12 t., t. 9 [Completed works and letters in 12 vols., vol. 9]. Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal', 2009, pp. 240–366.

20. Leont'ev, K.N. Avstriya [Austria], in Leont'ev, K.N. Polnoe sobanie sochineniy i pisem v 12 t., t. 8, kn. 2 [Completed works and letters in 12 vols., vol. 8, book 2]. Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal', 2008, pp. 218–229.

21. Leont'ev, K.N. Chem i kak liberalism nash vreden? [How and in what way is our liberalism hurmful?], in Leont'ev, K.N. Polnoe sobanie sochineniy i pisem v 12 t., t. 7, kn. 2 [Completed works and letters in 12 vols., vol. 7, book 2]. Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal', 2006, pp. 118–143.

22. Leont'ev, K.N. Chernovaya redaktsiya stat'i «Kto pravee?» [The original version of the article “Who is more right?”], in Leont'ev, K.N. Polnoe sobanie sochineniy i pisem v 12 t., t. 8, kn. 2 [Completed works and letters in 12 vols., vol. 8, book 2]. Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal', 2008, pp. 491–627.

23. Leont'ev, K.N. Dve izbrannitsy [Two chosen], in Leont'ev, K.N. Polnoe sobanie sochineniy i pisem v 12 t., t. 5 [Completed works and letters in 12 vols., vol. 5]. Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal', 2003, pp. 61–195.

24. Leont'ev, K.N. Kto pravee? [Who is more right?], in Leont'ev, K.N. Polnoe sobanie sochineniy i pisem v 12 t., t. 8, kn. 2 [Completed works and letters in 12 vols., vol. 8, book 2]. Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal', 2008, pp. 57–179.

25. Leont'ev, K.N. Kul'turnyy ideal i plemennaya politika [Cultural ethos and tribal politics], in Leont'ev, K.N. Polnoe sobanie sochineniy i pisem v 12 t., t. 8, kn. 2 [Completed works and letters in 12 vols., vol. 8, book 2]. Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal', 2008, pp. 21–56.

26. Leont'ev, K.N. «Moskovskie vedomosti» o dvoevlastii [“Moscow Vedomosti” about dual power], in Leont'ev, K.N. Polnoe sobanie sochineniy i pisem v 12 t., t. 8, kn. 2 [Completed works and letters in 12 vols., vol. 8, book 2]. Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal', 2008, pp. 7–20.

27. Leont'ev, K.N. Ne kstati i kstati [Not by the way and by the way], in Leont'ev, K.N. Polnoe sobanie sochineniy i pisem v 12 t., t. 8, kn. 1 [Completed works and letters in 12 vols., vol. 8, book 1]. Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal', 2007, pp. 625–637.

28. Leont'ev, K.N. Neskol'ko vospominaniy i mysley o pokoynom Ap. Grigor'eve [A few memories and thoughts about the deceased Ap. Grigoriev], in Leont'ev, K.N. Polnoe sobanie sochineniy i pisem v 12 t., t. 6, kn. 1 [Completed works and letters in 12 vols., vol. 6, book 1]. Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal', 2003, pp. 7–26.

29. Leont'ev, K.N. Ob uchebnitse estestvovedeniya v Krymu [About the natural science educational institution in Crimea], in Leont'ev, K.N. Polnoe sobanie sochineniy i pisem v 12 t., t. 7, kn. 2 [Completed works and letters in 12 vols., vol. 7, book 2]. Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal', 2006, pp. 286–324.

30. Leont'ev, K.N. Otryvki i raznye mysli [Excepts and miscellaneous thoughts], in Leont'ev, K.N. Polnoe sobanie sochineniy i pisem v 12 t., t. 12, kn. 3 [Completed works and letters in 12 vols., vol. 12, book 3]. Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal', 2021, pp. 303–322.

31. Leont'ev, K.N. Peredovye stat'i «Varshavskogo dnevnika» [Leading articles of the “Warsaw Diary”], in Leont'ev, K.N. Polnoe sobanie sochineniy i pisem v 12 t., t. 7, kn. 2 [Completed works and letters in 12 vols., vol. 7, book 2]. Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal', 2006, pp. 7–107.

32. Leont'ev K.N. Pis'ma o Vostochnykh delakh [Letters on Eastern affairs], in Leont'ev, K.N. Polnoe sobanie sochineniy i pisem v 12 t., t. 8, kn. 1 [Completed works and letters in 12 vols., vol. 8, book 1]. Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal', 2007, pp. 43–130.

33. Leont'ev, K.N. Pis'mo k A.A. Aleksandrovu ot 15 yanvarya 1888 g. [Letter to A.A. Aleksandrov], in Leont'ev, K.N. Polnoe sobanie sochineniy i pisem v 12 t., t. 12, kn. 2 [Completed works and letters in 12 vols., vol. 12, book 2]. Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal', 2021, pp. 7–13.

34. Leont'ev, K.N. Pis'mo k O.A. Novikovoy, 19.10.1890 [Letter to O.A. Novikova], in Leont'ev, K.N. Polnoe sobanie sochineniy i pisem v 12 t., t. 12, kn. 2 [Completed works and letters in 12 vols., vol. 12, book 2]. Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal', 2021, pp. 521–523.

35. Leont'ev, K.N. Pis'mo k T.I. Filippovu, 24–26.02, 1882 [Letter to T.I. Filippov], in Leont'ev, K.N. Polnoe sobanie sochineniy i pisem v 12 t., t. 11, kn. 2 [Completed works and letters in 12 vols., vol. 11, book 2]. Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal', 2019, pp. 447–452.

36. Leont'ev, K.N. Pis'mo k iereeyu I.I. Fudelyu, 19.01. – 01.02.1891 [Letter to priest I.I. Fudel], in Leont'ev, K.N. Polnoe sobanie sochineniy i pisem v 12 t., t. 12, kn. 3 [Completed works and letters in 12 vols., vol. 12, book 3]. Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal', 2021, pp. 23–58.

37. Leont'ev, K.N. Primechaniya k stat'e V.V. Rozanova «Esteticheskoe ponimanie istorii» [Notes to the article by V.V. Rozanov “Aesthetic understanding of history”], in Leont'ev, K.N. Polnoe sobanie sochineniy i pisem v 12 t., t. 12, kn. 3 [Completed works and letters in 12 vols., vol. 12, book 3]. Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal', 2021, pp. 159–167.

38. Leont'ev, K.N. Sredniy evropeets kak ideal i orudiye vsemirnogo razrusheniya [The average European as an ideal and an instrument of global destruction], in Leont'ev, K.N. Polnoe sobanie sochineniy i pisem v 12 t., t. 8, kn. 1 [Completed works and letters in 12 vols., vol. 8, book 1]. Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal', 2007, pp. 159–233.

39. Leont'ev, K.N. V svoem krayu [In own land], in Leont'ev, K.N. Polnoe sobanie sochineniy i pisem v 12 t., t. 2 [Completed works and letters in 12 vols., vol. 2]. Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal', 2000, pp. 7–327.

40. Leont'ev, K.N. Zapiska o neobkhodimosti novoy bol'shoy gazety v S.-Peterburge [A note on the need for a new large newspaper in St. Petersburg], in Leont'ev, K.N. Polnoe sobanie sochineniy i pisem v 12 t., t. 8, kn. 1 [Completed works and letters in 12 vols., vol. 8, book 1]. Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal', 2007, pp. 7–18.

41. Leont'ev, K.N. Zapiski otshel'nika [Notes of a hermit], in Leont'ev, K.N. Polnoe sobanie sochineniy i pisem v 12 t., t. 8, kn. 1 [Completed works and letters in 12 vols., vol. 8, book 1].  Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal', 2007, pp. 234–496.

42. Rozanov, V.V. Neuznannyy fenomen [Unrecognized phenomenon], in Pamyati Konstantina Nikolaevicha Leont'eva. Literaturnyy sbornik [In memoria K.N. Leontiev. Literary collection]. Saint-Petersburg: Tipografiya “Sirius”, 1911, pp. 163–184.

43. Solov'ev, V. Leont'ev Konstantin Nikolaevich, in Brockhaus, F.A., Efron, I.A. (eds.) Entsiklopedicheskiy slovar’ [Encyclopedic dictionary]. Saint-Petersburg, 1896, t. XVIIа, pp. 562–564.

44. Tikhomirov, L.A. Teni proshlogo. K.N. Leont'ev [Shadows of the past. K.N. Leontiev], in Kozyrev, A.P., Korolkov, A.A. (eds). K.N. Leont'ev: pro et contra: Antologiya in 2 books, book 2. Saint-Petersburg: RChSA, 1995, pp. 6–28.

45. Volzhenskiy, P. [Denisov, Ya.A., Umanov, N.A.] Eshche russkiy myslitel' (Vostok, Rossiya i Slavyanstvo. Sbornik statey K.N. Leont'eva) [Another Russian thinker (East, Russia and Slavism. Collection of articles by K.N. Leontiev)], in Ivanova, E.V. (ed.) V.V. Rozanov i K.N. Leont'ev: Materialy neizdannoy knigi «Literaturnye izgnanniki». Perepiska. Neopublikovsnnye teksty. Stat'i o K.N. Leont'eve [V.V. Rozanov and K.N. Leontiev: Materials from the unpublished book “Expelled from literature”. Correspondence. Unpublished texts. Articles about K.N. Leontiev]. Saint-Petersburg: Rostok, 2014, pp. 624–651.


Key words: 
philosophy of K.N. Leontiev, ascetism, aesthetism, ascetic aesthetics, Leontiev’s journalism, new eastern culture
2024. Issue 3 (83)
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