About the Publication of the Final Volume of the “Letters” of V.S. Solovyov (Vol. 4. Pb.: Publishing House “Vremya”, 1923): Based on the Materials of G.P. Blok’s Letters to E.L. Radlov (1920‒1923). To the 100th anniversary of the publication.
The article describes the history of the publication of the final 4 volum of the collection of “Letters” by V.S. Solovyov, published in 1923, in Soviet time, 15 years after the publication began (vol. 1) and 12 years after the release of the previous one (vol. 3), which, as is known, planned to complete the publication of the available at that moment of the philosopher’s letters. The acquisition of new letters prompted the historian of philosophy Ernest Lvovich Radlov (1854–1928), a friend and like-minded Solovyov, the permanent compiler and editor of the published volumes of his letters, to begin in 1919‒1920 in other cultural and historical conditions to prepare the 4th volume. The difficult history of the publication of the final volume has not yet received sufficient coverage in the literature about the philosopher. The publication of the surviving letters to Radlov the Editor-in-chief of the cooperative association “Vremya” G.P. Blok who worked on this volume during 1920–1923, to some extent illuminate the publishing process and the difficulties that arose during the preparation. Despite the fact that Radlov's response letters to the Block have not yet been revealed, the details reported in the letters allow us to restore the overall picture of both scientific and technical publishing work on the volume.
1. IRLI, f. 252 (E.L. Radlova), op. 1, № 5, list 1–1 ob.; № 14, list 1.
2. RNB, f. 1120 (A.A. Krolenko), № 662.
3. TsGALI SPb., f. 31, op. 2, № 3, list 73.
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