Unpublished letters of I.S. Aksakov about the Pushkin celebrations of 1880, participation in them by F.M. Dostoevsky and M.N. Katkov (Introductory article, publication and comments by D.A. Badalian)
The events associated with the Pushkin Сelebrations that took place in Moscow on June 5–8, 1880, have repeatedly been the subject of researches conducted by literary critics and historians. However, a number of sources representing the circumstances of these celebrations and the struggle that arose around in Russian society have not yet been introduced into scientific discourse. To fix that issue, this scientifically prepared publication of four letters of I.S. Aksakov, covering the period from June 20 to mid-July 1880, is written. In these first published letters addressed to A.I. Koshelev, A.N. Bakhmeteva and G.P. Galagan, there are described the details of public speeches at the meetings of the Lovers of Russian Literature Society by F.M. Dostoevsky, I.S. Turgenev and I.S. Aksakov, public speeches at the Duma dinner on June 6 by Aksakov and M.N. Katkov, and the reaction of the environment, as well as details of other events related to the Pushkin Celebrations. The introductory article presents a general description of the published sources, the historical context of their creation, as well as other details of the celebrations known from other, yet unpublished letters of Aksakov. Published Pushkin Celebrations letters make it more obvious (than the descriptions of many other contemporaries), that this event had an enduring, even symbolic significance for Russian culture. To no lesser extent, the authors of the letters is distinguished by a clear vision that the Pushkin Celebrations acquired such significance as a result of the struggle between two opposite literary and socio-political parties. These features are given special attention in the course of the analysis done in the introductory article.
Collected Works
1. Aksakov, I.S. U Rossii odna-edinstvennaya stolitsa… [Russia has only one capital...]. Moscow: Russkiy mir, 2006. 512 p.
2. Aksakov, K.S. Raznye otdel'nye zamtki [Different individual notes], in Aksakov, K.S. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy v 3 t., t. 1: Sochineniya istoricheskie [Complete works in 3 vol., vol. 1: Historical writings]. Moscow: Tipografiya P. Bakhmeteva, 1861. 632 p.
3. Belinskiy, V.G. Stat'i o Pushkine. May 1846 – sentyabr' 1846 [Articles about Pushkin. May 1846 – September 1846], in Belinskiy, V.G. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy v 13 t., t. 7: Stat'i i retsenzii: 1843; Stat'i o Pushkine: 1843–1846 [Complete works in 13 vol., vol. 7: Articles and reviews: 1843; Articles on Pushkin: 1843–1846]. Moscow: Nauka, 1955. 740 p.
4. Dostoevskiy, F.M. Pushkin (Ocherk) [Pushkin (Sketch)], in Dostoevskiy, F.M. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy v 30 t., t. 26: Dnevnik pisatelya 1877, sentyabr'–dekabr' – 1880, avgust [Complete works in 30 vol., vol. 26: Writer's Diary 1877, September–December – 1880, August]. Leningrad: Nauka, 1984. 518 p.
5. Dostoevskiy, F.M. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy v 30 t., t. 30, kn. 1: Pis'ma, 1878–1881 [Complete works in 30 vol., vol. 30, book 1: Letters 1878–1881]. Leningrad: Nauka, 1988. 455 p.
6. Khomyakov, A.S. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy i pisem v 12 t., t. 1: Stikhotvoreniya. Perevody poezii. Ermak: tragediya v stikhakh [Complete works and letters in 12 vol., vol. 1: Poems. Poetry translations. Yermak: a tragedy in verse]. Saint-Petersburg: Rostock, 2021. 684 p.
7. Pisarev, D.I. Pushkin i Belinskiy [Pushkin and Belinskiy], in Pisarev, D.I. Polnoe sobranie sochinenimy i pisem v 12 t., t. 7: Stat'i 1865 (yanvar'–avgust) [Complete works in 12 vol., vol. 7: Articles 1865 (January–August)]. Moscow: Nauka, 2003. 669 p.
8. Turgenev, I.S. <Rech' po povodu otkrytiya pamyatnika A.S. Pushkina v Moskve> [<Speech on the publication of the monument to Alexander Pushkin in Moscow>], in Turgenev, I.S. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy i pisem v 28 t., t. 15: Korrespondentsii; Rechi; Predisloviya; Otkrytye pis'ma; Avtobiograficheskoe i prochee. 1848–1883 [Complete works and letters in 28 vol., vol. 15: Correspondence; speeches; Preface; open letters; Autobiographical and more. 1848–1883]. Moscow; Leningrad: Nauka, 1968. 495 p.
Individual works
9. <Aksakov, I.S.> A.S. Pushkin (Po povodu otkrytiya ego pamyatnika v Moskve). Rechi v zasedanii Obshchestva lyubiteley rossiyskoy slovesnosti 7-go iyunya 1880 goda. I. Rech' I.S. Aksakova [A.S. Pushkin (On the occasion of the opening of his monument in Moscow). Speeches at the meeting of the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature on June 7, 1880. I. Speech by I.S. Aksakov], in Russkiy arkhiv, 1880, no. 2, pp. 467–484.
10. Aksakov, I.S. Pis'ma Aksakovoy A.F. 1866–1885 [Letters to Aksakova A.F. 1866–1885], in RGALI. F. 10. Op. 1. № 235. 171 p.
11. <Aksakov, I.S.> Pis'ma I.S. Aksakova k F.M. Dostoevskomu [I.S. Aksakov's letters to F.M. Dostoevsky], in Izvestiya AN SSSR. Seriya literatury i yazyka, 1972, issue 4, vol. XXXI, pp. 349–362.
12. Aksakov, I.S. Pis'ma k Milleru O.F. 1870–1883 i b. d. [Letters to Miller O.F. 1870–1883 and without date], in Manuscripts Dept. of RGB. F. 93 II. Kart. 1. № 23. 32 p.
13. Aksakov, I.S. Pis'ma k Tomashevskim E.A. i M.S. (rozhd. Aksakovoy). 1878–1885 [Letters to E.A. Tomashevsky and M.S. (born Aksakova). 1878–1885], in Manuscripts Dept. of IRLI. F. 3. Op. 2. № 56. 63 p.
14. <Aksakov, I.S.> Pis'mo I.S. Aksakova o Moskovskikh prazdnikakh po povodu otkrytiya pamyatnika Pushkinu [I.S. Aksakov's letter about the Moscow holidays on the occasion of the opening of the monument to Pushkin], in Russkiy arkhiv, 1891, no. 5, pp. 90–99.
15. F.B. <Bulgakov, F.I.> Venok na pamyatnik Pushkinu. Adresy, telegrammy, privetstviya, rechi, chteniya i stikhi po povodu otkrytiya pamyatnika Pushkinu. Otzyvy pechati o znachenii Pushkinskogo torzhestva. Pushkinskaya vystavka v Moskve: Novye dannye o Pushkine: Pushkinskie dni v Moskve, Peterburge i provintsii [A wreath on the monument to Pushkin. Addresses, telegrams, greetings, speeches, readings and poems on the occasion of the opening of the monument to Pushkin. Press reviews about the significance of Pushkin's celebration. Pushkin Exhibition in Moscow: New data about Pushkin: Pushkin Days in Moscow, St. Petersburg and the provinces]. Saint-Petersburg: Tip. i khromolit. A. Transhelya, 1880. 354 p.
16. Galagan, G. Prazdnik svv. Kirilla i Mefodiya v Vene (Pis'mo k I.S. Aksakovu) [The Feast of St. Cyril and Methodius in Vienna (Letter to I.S. Aksakov)], in Moskovskie vedomosti, 1880, 13 July, no. 192, pp. 2–3.
17. Gradovskiy, A.D. Mechty i deystvitel'nost'. (Po povodu rechi F.M. Dostoevskogo) [Dreams and reality. (About F.M. Dostoevsky's speech)], in Golos, 1880, 25 June, no. 174, pp. 1–2.
18. G.U. <Uspenskiy, G.I.> Na rodnoy nive. (Ocherki, zametki, nablyudeniya) [In his native field. (Essays, notes, observations)], in Otechestvennye zapiski, 1880, no. 7, pp. 109–121.
19. G.U. <Uspenskiy, G.I.> Pushkinskiy prazdnik. (Pis'mo iz Moskvy) [Pushkin's holiday. (Letter from Moscow)], in Otechestvennye zapiski, 1880, no. 6, pp. 173–196.
20. <Katkov, M.N.> Moskva, 5 iyunya [Moscow, June 5], in Moskovskie vedomosti, 1880, 6 June, no. 155. Osoboe pribavlenie, p. 2.
21. Katkov, M.N. Pushkin, in Russkiy vestnik, 1856, vol. 1, book 1, pp. 155–172; book 2, pp. 306–324; vol. 2, book 2, pp. 281–310.
22. Khronika [Chronicle], in Novoe vremya, 1880, 19 June, no. 1546, pp. 3–4.
23. Kolomenskiy Kandid <Mikhnevich, V.O.> Vchera i segodnya [Yesterday and today], in Novosti, 1879, 18 March, no. 70, pp. 1–4.
24. Koshelev, A.I. Otzyv po povodu slova, skazannogo F.M. Dostoevskim na Pushkinskom torzhestve [Feedback on the word spoken by F.M. Dostoevsky at the Pushkin celebration], in Russkaya mysl', 1880, Oktyabr', pp. 1–6 (6-th pagin.).
25. Kovalevskiy, M.M. Vospominaniya ob I.S. Turgeneve [Memoirs of I.S. Turgenev], in I.S. Turgenev v vospominaniyakh sovremennikov. T. 2 [I.S. Turgenev in the memoirs of contemporaries. Vol. 2]. Moscow: Khudozhestvennaya literatura, 1983, pp. 134–148.
26. Kupchanko, G. Iz Veny [From Vienna], in Moskovskie vedomosti, 1880, 11 July, no. 190, p. 4.
27. Lanskiy, L.R. Dostoevskiy v neizdannoy perepiske sovremennikov (1837–1881) [Dostoevsky in the unpublished correspondence of his contemporaries (1837–1881)], in Literaturnoe nasledstvo, 1973, vol. 86, pp. 349–564.
28. Lavrov, P.L. I.S. Turgenev i razvitie russkogo obshchestva [I.S. Turgenev and the development of Russian society], in I.S. Turgenev v vospominaniyakh revolyutsionerov-semidesyatnikov [I.S. Turgenev in the memoirs of the Revolutionaries of the Seventies]. Moscow; Leningrad: Academia, 1930, pp. 15–88.
29. Mostovskaya, N.N. (ed.). Letopis' zhizni i tvorchestva I.S. Turgeneva (1876–1883) [Chronicle of the life and work of I.S. Turgenev (1876–1883)]. Saint-Petersburg: Nauka, 2003. 622 p.
30. N.M. <Mikhaylovskiy, N.K.> Literaturnye zametki [Literary notes], in Otechestvennye zapiski, 1880, no. 7, pp. 122–134; no. 9, pp. 124–140.
31. <Ob"yavlenie ot redaktsii> [Announcement from the editorial board], in Moskovskie vedomosti, 1880, 3 June, no. 152, p. 2.
32. Opochinin, E.N. Besedy s Dostoevskim (Zapisi i pripominaniya) [Conversations with Dostoevsky (Notes and recollections)], in Zven'ya: sbornik materialov i dokumentov po istorii literatury, iskusstvu i obshchestvennoy mysli XIX veka [Zvenya: Collection of materials and documents on the history of literature, art and social thought of the XIX century]. Moscow; Leningrad: Academia, 1936, vol. 6, pp. 454–494.
33. Pis'ma A.I. Kosheleva k I.S. Aksakovu (1881–1883 gg.) [Letters of A.I. Koshelev to I.S. Aksakov (1881–1883)], in O minuvshem: Istoricheskiy sbornik [About the past: A historical collection]. Saint-Petersburg, 1909, pp. 406–416.
34. <Pypin, A.N.> S Pushkinskogo prazdnika, 5–8 iyulya [From the Pushkin Holiday, July 5–8], in Vestnik Evropy, 1880, no. 7, pp. XXI–XXXV.
35. Rodichev, F.I. Iz vospominaniy [From a memory], in Sovremennye zapiski (Parizh), 1933, vol. 53, p. 286.
36. Russkaya mysl': Zhurnal nauchnyy, literaturnyy i politicheskiy. 1880. Mart.
37. <Samarin, D.F.> «A vpechatlenie bylo poistine neobychaynoe…» (pis'mo D.F. Samarina o Pushkinskoy rechi Dostoevskogo) [“And the impression was truly extraordinary...” (a letter from D.F. Samarin about Dostoevsky's Pushkin speech)], in Dostoevskiy i mirovaya kul'tura: Al'manakh [Dostoevsky and World Culture: An Almanac]. Moscow: Klassika plyus, 1997, issue 9, pp. 251–255.
38. <Strakhov, N.N.> A.S. Pushkin. – Materialy dlya ego biografii i otsenki proizvedeniy – P.V. Annenkova [A.S. Pushkin. – Materials for his biography and evaluation of works – P.V. Annenkova], in Grazhdanin, 1873, 23 April, no. 17, pp. 523–524.
39. Telegrammy (Ot spetsial'nykh korrespondentov «Golosa») [Telegrams (From special correspondents of the “Golos”)], in Golos, 1880, 7 June, no. 157, p. 4.
40. <Turgenev, I.S.> Rech' I.S. Turgeneva, chitannaya v publichnom zasedanii Obshchestva lyubiteley rossiyskoy slovesnosti po povodu otkrytiya pamyatnika A.S. Pushkinu v Moskve [Speech by I.S. Turgenev, read at a public meeting of the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature on the occasion of the opening of the monument to A.S. Pushkin in Moscow], in Vestnik Evropy, 1880, no. 7, pp. IV–XIII.
41. Turgenev v materialakh perlyustratsii III otdeleniya i departamenta politsii. I. Pis'ma k Turgenevu i otzyvy o nem (1861–1879) [Turgenev in the materials of the perlustration of the III department and the police Department. I. Letters to Turgenev and reviews about him (1861–1879)], in Literaturnoe nasledstvo, 1967, vol. 76, pp. 321–327.
42. <Yur'ev, S.A.> Rech', proiznesennaya S.A. Yur'evym, pri otkrytii im publichnogo zasedaniya Obshchestva lyubiteley rossiyskoy slovesnosti, 7-go iyunya 1880 goda. (Po povodu otkrytiya pamyatnika Pushkinu) [Speech delivered by S.A. Yuryev at the opening of the public meeting of the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature, June 7, 1880. (About the opening of the monument to Pushkin)], in Russkaya mysl', 1880, Iyul', pp. 1–12.
(Articles from Scientific Journals)
43. Badalyan, D.A., Kotov, A.E. «…Bessmyslitsa konstitutsionnykh uchrezhdeniy, perenesennykh na slavyanskuyu pochvu»: Perepiska P.A. Kulakovskogo i I.S. Aksakova 1880–1886 gg. [“...Nonsense of constitutional institutions transferred to Slavic soil”: Correspondence of P.A. Kulakovsky and I.S. Aksakov 1880–1886], in Slavistika, 2014, no. XVIII, pp. 557–624.
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(Articles from Proceedings and Collections of Research Papers)
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49. Kunil'skiy, D.A. Vozvrashchenie k Pushkinu. Pushkinskaya rech' I.S. Aksakova kak rezul'tat evolyutsii slavyanofil'stva [Return to Pushkin. Pushkin's speech by I.S. Aksakov as a result of the evolution of Slavophilism], in Khristianstvo i russkaya literatura. Sbornik 8 [Christianity and Russian literature. Collection 8]. Saint-Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo «Pushkinskiy Dom», 2017, pp. 487–500.
50. Pirozhkova, T.F. «Zhivaya svyaz' lyubvi» (O rechi I.S. Aksakova na Pushkinskikh torzhestvakh 1880 g.) [“Living connection of love” (On the speech of I.S. Aksakov at the Pushkin celebrations in 1880)], in E.R. Dashkova i A.S. Pushkin v istorii Rossii [E.R. Dashkov and A.S. Pushkin in the history of Russia]. Moscow: MGI im. E.R. Dashkovoy, 2000, pp. 130–141.
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(Thesis and Thesis Abstracts)
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