2023. Issue 1 (77)
Mezhuev B.V. The First Edition of “The Justification of Good” (1897): Contemporaries’ Response. Part 3. …………………………………………………6
Burmistrov K.Y. Faivel Getz, “Talmudic youth” and “dear friend” of Vladimir Solovyov: Materials for a biography.
To the 170th anniversary of two friends, V.S. Solovyov and F.B. Getz ………………………………………………………………………………………………18
Yurina N.G. The image of the author and the image of the narratoring V.S. Solovyov's autobiographical work “At the Dawn of Misty Youth” ……52
Helleman Wendy Elgersma. V.S. Solovyov’s Sophia and Dante’s Beatrice……………………………………………………………………………………………65
Evlampiev I.I. The idea of a world empire of culture in the views of V.S. Solovyov
and in the Russian socio-political consciousness of the XIX century ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 80
Edoshina I.A. V.S. Solovyov and A.N. Ostrovsky: Creative Convergence and Repulsion as a Reflection of The Era of Change ..……………………… 97
Fetisenko O.L. Kohanovskaya (N.S. Sokhanskaya) and her Fate in Russian literature. To the 200th anniversary of the birth …………………………109
Veselovsky A.N. An Introduction to Dante’s “Divine Comedy”. Lectures on General Literature: The Training Course 1887–1888.
Part three. Lectures sixth, seventh, eighth / Prepared for publication and commented by S. Mazzanti and A.L. Rychkov ……………………………122
Landa K. The Category of “Penetration” in Vyacheslav Ivanov and Dante: the Experience of Spiritual Ascent …………………………………………… 152
Gryakalova N.J. The Baudelaire Trace in the Poetry of A. A. Blok: Toward a Typology of Mediated Borrowings ………………………………………… 174
Maksimov M.V. Heritage and Heritors: to the 170th Anniversary of Vladimir Sergeevich Solovyov’s Birth…………………………………………………187
ON “SOLOVYOV STUDIES” JOURNAL ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 194
ON SUBSCRIPTION TO “SOLOVYOV STUDIES” JOURNAL…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………196
INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 196