2013. Issue 3 (39)

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In commemoration of the 160th anniversary of V.S. Solovyov’s birthday

Monograph in the journal

  • Smirnov M. The last Solovyov. Life and creativity of the poet and the priest Sergey Solovyov (1885–1942)

History of russian philosophy

  • Kozlova O.V. The problem of searching ideal of a legal discussion liberals V.S. Solovyov and B.N. Chicherin
  • Atyakshev M.V. N.N. Strakhov and V.S. Solovyev: dispute about the theory of cultural-historical types
  • Aliaiev G.Е. S. Frank as historian of Russian philosophy: conception and evolution
  • Baselica Giulia. The impossible dream of Russian cosmism
  • Nizhnikov S.A. Formation and development of G.P. Fedotov’s novogradscoy ideology
  • Simonenko T.I. The idea of spiritual nurture in I.A. Ilyin’s philosophy


  • Nazarova Oxana. Philosophers are not silent. The foreword to the publication
  • Frank S.L. «Dostoevsky is the most Russian of all Russian».
  • On the 50th anniversary of the death of the poet: man and creativity

Literary criticism and culturology

  • Shukurov D.L. The name of god in the culturological, liturgical and psychoanalytic discourse
  • Dzutseva N.V. «Vyacheslavologia»: the experience of recreation of poetic universe (about the monography of S. Fedotova «The poetics of Vyacheslav Ivanov» (Tambov, 2012))


  • Zamaraeva E.I. Eurasian concept of a social ideal

Memory Oliver Smith

  • Maksimov M.V.  «Think that we shall live…»
  • Letters of colleagues: dr Louise Richardson, dr Robin Aizlewood, dr Roger Keys
  • Mezhuev B.V. [Rets. on]: Smith O. Vladimir Soloviev and the Spiritualization of Matter, Academic Studies Press, Boston, 2011, 308 p.

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