2013. Issue 4 (40)

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In commemoration of the 160th anniversary of V.S. Solovyov’s birthday

  • Buller А. The «Dilemma of lie» in the ethical concept of V.S. Solovyov
  • Avdeichik L.L. Finnish period in V.S. Solovyov’s poetry
  • Zotova О.N. Basic characteristics of the frequency glossary of Vladimir Solovyov’s lyrics
  • Karandasheva А.А. Scientific and educational center in the context of scientific communications (for the 15-th anniversary of the Solovyov seminar)

Monograph in the journal

  • Smirnov M. The last Solovyov. Life and creativity of the poet and the priest Sergey Solovyov (1885–1942)

Philosophy of history and culture

  • Rashkovsky E.B. Paradox of the enlightment age, or can Mozart be a deceiver?
  • Kulikova О.B. Ideal of sciense in conception of A.I. Herzen: the controversy of utopianism and realism
  • Usmanov S.M. Europe and Russia in Vladimir Weidle’s historiosophy
  • Dimitrova N.I. Lev Shestov, Leo Tolstoy and the revelation of death
  • Florence Corrado-Kazanski. Variations on Tyutchev’s thиme at Silver age
  • Rychkov А.L. «Knight-monk» and «Knight-wanderer»: Vl. Solov’ev and A. Blok’s drama «The Rose and the Cross»
  • Chiara Rampazzо. Philosophical and aestetic bounds of mistical anarchism (G.I. čulkov and Vyach. Ivanov)
  • Timofeev А.I. Andrey Tarkovsky: man and the four elements of the world

Criticism and bibliography

  • Dzutseva N.V. «I am giving generous grace of mine to you...» (book review: P. Davidson. A bibliography of works by Viacheslav Ivanov: 1898–1949 / edited by K.U. Lappo-Danilevskiy. Saint-Petersburg: Kalamos, 2012, 339 р.)
  • Maksimov M.V. «Total slavophil» Uriy Samarin (on S.I. Skorohodova’s monograph «U.F. Samarin’s philosophy of history in the context of Russian philosophical thought of XIX – the first quarter of XX century» (Moscow: Prometey, 2013. 432 p.)

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