Between Imperial and Post-Imperial Discourse: Ideas of Empire and Revolution in the Optics of XXI Century Researchers (Res. in: The idea of empire and the idea of revolution in Russian philosophy and culture of the XIX–XX centuries: a collective monograph

Author: korolevaNV / Date: 27-09-2024 /
Publication Title: 
Between Imperial and Post-Imperial Discourse: Ideas of Empire and Revolution in the Optics of XXI Century Researchers (Res. in: The idea of empire and the idea of revolution in Russian philosophy and culture of the XIX–XX centuries: a collective monograph
Publication author(s): 
A.B. Bocharov

The paper analyses the collective monograph: “The Idea of Empire and the Idea of Revolution in Russian Philosophy and Culture of the XIX–XX Centuries”, its content being a reflection on one of the most intellectually acute and complex contradictions of Russian history – the problem of empire and revolution. This problem invariably awakens philosophical thought, forcing it to search for an explanation of the notorious “pendulum of Russian history”, the genesis of power, the vector and track of Russian history, which are intellectual outgrowths of the fundamental problem – the problem of Russian civilizational and state identity. The content of the work is an analysis of empire and revolution – the main concepts that are in the focus of philosophical interest and reflection in Russian culture of the XIX–XX centuries. Its aim is to demonstrate the theoretical demand to continue the analysis and philosophical reflection of the concepts of empire and revolution, with the task of rethinking and reinterpreting them. The thesis is presented about the inexhaustibly traditional historical-philosophical narrative (liberalism-conservatism) and the discursively traditional nature of the range of topics, problems and questions, centred on the concepts of “empire” and “revolution”, with the same inexhaustibly traditional duality of interpretation (“us–them”, “East–West”). The result of the analysis of the sections that make up the content of the monograph is the conclusion about the epistemological and axiological value of the concepts of empire and revolution, and the heuristic productivity of the works related to their analysis in the context of the challenges faced by the Russian society and state. The latter can be used as analytical tools for works that develop and deepen the problems of empire and revolution on a modern historiographical basis. The historiographical basis of the article is the works of well-known Russian and foreign authors specializing in this field of humanities, and the methodological basis is hermeneutic analysis with the involvement of the discourse of cultural studies, political science and history.




Collected Works

1. Evlampiev, I.I. (red.) Ideya imperii i ideya revolyutsii v russkoy filosofii i kul'ture XIX–XX vekov [The Idea of Empire and the Idea of Revolution in Russian Philosophy of Culture of the XIX–XX centuries]. Saint-Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo RCHGA, 2023. 420 p.

2. Sidorin, V.V. (red.) Tvorcheskoe nasledie N.Ya. Danilevskogo: istoriya i sovremennost' [The Creative Heritage of N.Ya. Danilevsky: History and Modernity]. Moscow; Saint-Petersburg: Tsentr gumanitarnykh initsiativ, 2024. 216 p.

Individual Works

3. Khardt, M., Negr, A. Imperiya [Empire]. Moscow: Praksis, 2004. 440 p.

4. Kupriyanov, V.A., Malinov, A.V. Akademik V.I. Lamanskiy. Materialy k biografii i nauchnoy deyatel'nosti [Academician V.I. Lamansky. Materials to biography and scientific activity]. Saint-Petersburg: Dmitriy Bulanin, 2020. 560 p.

5. Malinov, A.V., Pogodin, S.N. Vladimir Ivanovich Ger'e [Vladimir Ivanovich Guerrier]. Saint-Petersburg: RKhGA, 2010. 400 p.

(Articles from Scientific Journals)

6. Antonov, K.M., Vanchugov, V.V., Gerasimov, N.I., Zabelin, K.V., Malinov, A.V., Maslin, M.A., Porus, V.N., Sidorin, V.V., Teslya, A.A., Chervyakov, N.A., Shindyapin, A.V., Shpakovskiy, M.V. Diskussiya «Problemy prepodavaniya istorii russkoy filosofii v vysshey shkole» [Discussion “Problems of Teaching the History of Russian Philosophy in Higher School”], in Otechestvennaya filosofiya, 2023, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 29–73. DOI: 10.21146/2949-3102-2023-1-2-29-73.

7. Evlampiev, I.I. Ideya vsemirnoy imperii kul'tury v vozzreniyakh V.S. Solov'eva i v russkom obshchestvenno-politicheskom soznanii XIX veka [The idea of the world empire of culture in the views of V.S. Soloviev and in the Russian social and political consciousness of the XIX century], in Solov'evskie issledovaniya, 2023, issue 1(77), pp. 80–96. DOI: 10.17588/2076-9210.2023.1.080-096.

8. Evlampiev, I.I., Shakhova, D.S. Russkie kritiki liberal'noy tsivilizatsii i sovremennost' [Russian critics of liberal civilisation and modernity], in  Filosofskiy polilog, 2022, no. 2(12), pp. 11–26.

9. Maksimov, M.V. Slavyanofil'skaya problematika v publikatsiyakh zhurnala «Solov'evskie issledovaniya» [Slavophilic problematics in the publications of the journal “Soloviev Studies”], in Filosofskiy polilog, 2023, no. 1, pp. 139–154.

10. Malinov, A.V. Vostochnyy vopros v politiko-geograficheskom uchenii V.I. Lamanskogo [Oriental question in the political-geographical doctrine of V.I. Lamansky], in Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Filosofiya i konfliktologiya, 2022, vol. 38, issue 4, pp. 594–611.

11. Malinov, A.V. V.I. Lamanskiy i istoki «russkogo vizantizma» [Lamansky and the Origins of “Russian Byzantism”], in Vestnik PSTGU. Seriya I: Bogoslovie. Filosofiya. Religiovedenie, 2022, issue 100, pp. 67–87. DOI: 10.15382/sturI2022100.67-87.

12. Malinov, A.V. Obraz Petra I v uchenii peterburgskikh slavyanofilov [The image of Peter the Great in the teachings of the St Petersburg Slavophiles], in Kunstkamera, 2022, no. 2, pp. 11–33. DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2022-2(16)-18-34.

13. Malinov, A.V. «Rimskaya ideya» v tsivilizatsionnoy kontseptsii V.I. Lamanskogo [“Roman idea” in the civilisation concept of V.I. Lamansky], in Voprosy filosofii, 2023, no. 2, pp. 155–166. DOI:

14. Mikhaylova, E.E. Dialog kul'tur Zapada i Vostoka v retseptsii peterburgskogo myslitelya rubezha XIX–XX vekov V.I. Lamanskogo [Dialogue of cultures of the West and the East in the reception of the Petersburg thinker of the turn of the XIX–XX centuries V.I. Lamansky], in Dialog so vremenem, 2022, no. 78, pp. 418–426.

15. Pruzhinin, B.I., Benderskiy, I.I., Vorob'eva, O.V., Dolgova, E.A., Malinov, A.V., Mikeshina, L.A., Motovnikova, E.N., Ol'khov, P.A., Khvostova, K.V. Filosofsko-metodologicheskie proekty russkikh istorikov i sovremennye problemy metodologii istoricheskogo poznaniya. K 180-letiyu V.I. Ger'e: materialy konferentsii – «kruglogo stola» [Philosophical and Methodological Projects of Russian Historians and Modern Problems of Methodology of Historical Cognition. To the 180th anniversary of V.I. Guerrier. Proceedings of the conference – “round table”], in Voprosy filosofii, 2017, no. 9, pp. 24–61.

16. Pruzhinin, B.I., Shchedrina, T.G., Dudnik, S.I., Kuznetsov, N.V., Ermichev, A.A., Gryakalov, A.A., Malinov, A.V., Sokolov, E.G., Savchuk, V.V., Kamnev, V.M., Osipov, I.D. Russkaya filosofiya v sovremennom mire: konteksty aktual'nosti. Materialy «kruglogo stola» [Russian philosophy in the modern world: contexts of relevance. Proceedings of the round table], in Voprosy filosofii, 2017, no. 4, pp. 116–138.

17. Smirnov, A.V., Danilevskaya, O.N., Sidorin, V.V., Malinov, A.V., Fetisenko, O.L., Vorozhikhina, K.V., Berdnikova, A.Yu., Teslya, A.A., Bazhov, S.I., Ermishina, K.B. K 200-letiyu N.Ya. Danilevskogo. Tvorcheskoe nasledie N.Ya. Danilevskogo: istoriya i sovremennost'. Materialy kruglogo stola [To the 200th anniversary of N.Y. Danilevsky. Creative heritage of N.Ya. Danilevsky: history and modernity. Materials of the round table], in Filosofskiy polilog, 2022, no. 2, pp. 101–150.

18. Smirnov, V.N. Karl Velikiy i Petr Velikiy: ideya khristianskoy imperii v nemetskom romantizme i russkoy obshchestvennoy mysli pervoy poloviny XIX veka [Charlemagne and Peter the Great: the Idea of Christian Empire in German Romanticism and Russian Public Thought of the First Half of the XIX Century], in Kunstkamera, 2022, no. 2(16), pp. 6–17. DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2022-2(16)-6-17.

19. Smirnov, V.N. Metafora organicheskogo v slavyanofil'stve [Metaphor of the organic in Slavophilism], in Filosofskiy polilog, 2023, no. 1, pp. 24–36.

20. Veydle, V.V. Tri Rossii [Three Russias], in Sovremennye zapiski, 1938, book 65, pp. 304–322.

(Articles from Proceedings and Collections of Research Papers)

21. Kupriyanov, V.A. Problema obosnovaniya prava na revolyutsiyu v politicheskoy filosofii Dzh. Lokka i I.G. Fikhte [The Problem of Justification of the Right to Revolution in the Political Philosophy of J. Locke and I.G. Fichte], in Vizantiya, Evropa, Rossiya: sotsial'nye praktiki i vzaimosvyaz' dukhovnykh traditsiy. Arkhiv konferentsii. Materialy II Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii [Byzantium, Europe, Russia: Social Practices and Interrelation of Spiritual Traditions. Conference Archive. Proceedings of the Second International Scientific Conference]. Saint-Petersburg: RKhGA, 2022, pp. 213–221. DOI: 10.19181/conf.978-5-89697-406-2.2022.18.


Key words: 
Russian ideology, historiosophy, the colonial empire, the ideocratic empire, Russian liberalism, Russian conservatism, analytical discourse, historical narrative
2024. Issue 3 (83)
The DOI index: 
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