Symbolist Conceptualization of Myth: Vyach.I. Ivanov, A.F. Losev, L.A. Gogotishvili
This article analyzes one of the concepts of myth by Vyacheslav Ivanov, Alexei Losev and Lyudmila Gogotishvili. The object of this research is Ivanov's studies related to the theory of myth (“Excursus: The Primary Myth in the novel “the Possesse”, “Dionysus and Pradionysianism”, “Dostoevsky: Tragedy – Myth – Mysticism”, etc.), “Dialectics of Myth” and “Supplement to the Dialectics of Myth” by Losev, as well as a series of contributions by Gogotishvili, where the concept of myth is used. In order to correlate the ideas of thinkers and reveal their conceptual continuity, we used historical-philosophical comparativism, methods of ideas history analysis, as well as the method of conceptual analysis of the use of the concept of myth. The main goal of this article is to investigate the mythological dimension of Gogotshvili's linguophilosophy in relation to its continuity with Ivanov's symbolism and Losev's dialectics, from an immanent and historical-contextual (from the point of view of continuity) perspective. It is shown that the linguistic dimension of myth (the myth language), according to Ivanov, implies a posteriori (in relation to mystical experience) character of its own formation. Myth language, according to Losev, implies it’s a priori givenness, epistemologically limited for a particular consciousness by sense bearing detachment. It is shown that the a posteriori givenness of myth, according to Ivanov, and the detachment of myth, according to Losev, ensure the “indirectness” of the meaning expression (or mystical reality) in language, which can be overcome by an intentional understanding of the meaning implied by language, i.e. by personal action. It is revealed that Gogotishvili believing the concept of myth as one of the basic categories of Russian symbolism. From the perspective of Gogotishvili's work, we consider the distinction between mythological and ordinary judgments, the relationship between myth and language in poetic and logical perspectives, as well as the nature of the application of the myth concept in the phenomenology of language and in the author's concept of binary and ternary symbols. It is shown that in Gogotishvili's linguophilosophy myth is “responsible” for mediating the expression of meaning in language and implies adequation between word and subject.
Collected Works
- Gogotishvili, L.A. Mezhdu imenem i predikatom (simvolizm Vyach. Ivanova na fone imyaslaviya) [Between the name and the predicate (symbolism of Vyach. Ivanov against the background of name-glory)], in Gogotishvili, L.A. Nepryamoe govorenie [Indirect speaking]. Moscow: Yazyki slavyanskikh kul'tur, 2006, pp. 15–103.
- Gogotishvili, L.A. Antinomicheskiy printsip v poezii Vyach. Ivanova [Antinomic principle in the poetry of Viach. Ivanov], in Gogotishvili, L.A. Nepryamoe govorenie [Indirect speaking]. Moscow: Yazyki slavyanskikh kul'tur, 2006, pp. 104–138.
- Gogotishvili, L.A. «Eydeticheskiy yazyk» (rekonstruktsiya i interpretatsiya radikal'noy fenomenologicheskoy novatsii A.F. Loseva) [“Eidetic language” (reconstruction and interpretation of the A.F. Losev’s radical phenomenological innovation)], in Gogotishvili, L.A. Nepryamoe govorenie [Indirect speaking]. Moscow: Yazyki slavyanskikh kul'tur, 2006, pp. 220–415.
- Gogotishvili, L.A. Lestnitsa Iakova: arkhitektonika lingvofilosofskogo prostranstva [Jacob's Ladder: the architectonics of linguophilosophical space]. Moscow: Izdatel'skiy Dom YaSK, 2021. 616 p.
- Ivanov, Vyach.I. Dve stikhii v sovremennom simvolizme [The Two Elements in Modern Symbolism], in Ivanov, Vyach.I. Sobranie sochineniy. T. 2 [Collected Works. Vol. 2]. Brussels: Foyer Oriental Chretien, 1974, pp. 536–561.
- Ivanov, Vyach.I. Ekskurs II: Estetika i ispovedanie [Excursus II: Aesthetics and Confession], in Ivanov, Vyach.I. Sobranie sochineniy. T. 2 [Collected Works. Vol. 2]. Brussels: Foyer Oriental Chretien, 1974, pp. 566–572.
- Ivanov, Vyach.I. Ekskurs: Osnovnoy mif v romane «Besy» [Excursus: The basic myth in the novel “The Imp”], in Ivanov, Vyach.I. Sobranie sochineniy. T. 4 [Collected Works. Vol. 4]. Brussels: Foyer Oriental Chretien, 1987, pp. 437–444.
- Ivanov, Vyach.I. Dostoevskiy. Tragediya – mif – mistika [Dostoevsky. Tragedy – myth – mysticism], in Ivanov, Vyach.I. Sobranie sochineniy. T. 4 [Collected Works. Vol. 4]. Brussels: Foyer Oriental Chretien, 1987, pp. 483–590.
Individual Works
- Gogotishvili, L.A. Lingvisticheskiy aspekt trekh versiy imyaslaviya (Losev, Bulgakov, Florenskiy) [Linguistic aspect of three versions of nominalism (Losev, Bulgakov, Florensky)], in Losev, A.F. Imya. Izbrannye raboty, perevody, besedy, issledovaniya, arkhivnye materialy [Name. Selected works, translations, conversations, research, archival materials]. Saint-Petersburg: Aleteyya, 1997, pp. 580–614.
- Gogotishvili, L.A. Losevskaya kontseptsiya predikativnosti [Losev's concept of predicativity], in Losev, A.F. Lichnost' i Absolyut [Personality and the Absolute]. Moscow: Mysl', 1999, pp. 684–701.
- Gogotishvili, L.A. Retseptsiya simvolizma v gumanitarnykh naukakh (lingvofilosofskiy aspekt) [Reception of symbolism in the humanities (linguophilosophical aspect)], in Literaturovedenie kak literatura [Literary Studies as Literature]. Moscow: Yazyki slavyanskikh kul'tur, Progress-traditsiya, 2004, pp. 148–175.
- Gogotishvili, L.A. A.F. Losev’s radical lingua-philosophical project, in Studies in East European Thought, 2004, pp. 119–142.
- Ivanov, Vyach.I. Dionis i pradionisiystvo [Dionysus and Pradionysianism]. Saint Petersburg: Aleteyya, 1994. 350 p.
- Losev, A.F. Dialektika mifa. Dopolnenie k «Dialektike mifa» (novoe akademicheskoe izdanie, ispravlennoe i dopolnennoe) [Dialectic of myth. Supplement to the “Dialectic of Myth” (new academic edition, corrected and enlarged)]. Moscow: Izdatel'skiy dom YaSK; Gnozis, 2022. 696 p.
- Losev, A.F. Filosofiya imeni [The philosophy of the name]. Saint-Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo Olega Abyshko, 2016. 672 p.
(Articles from Scientific Journals)
- Bird, R. Minding the Gap: Detachment and Understanng in Aleksej Losev's Dialektika mifa, in Studies in East European Thought, 2004, vol. 56, pp. 143–160.
- Chaginskiy, A.A. Ponyatie mifa v russkoy religioznoy filosofii 20-kh gg. XX v. [The concept of myth in Russian religious philosophy of the 20s of the twentieth century], in Vestnik PSTGU I: Bogoslovie. Filosofiya, 2015, issue 6(62), pp. 37–52.
- Fedotova, S.V. Lingvofilosofskie novatsii russkogo simvolizma v interpretatsii L.A. Gogotishvili (Vyach. Ivanov i A.F. Losev) [Linguophilosophical Innovations of Russian Symbolism in the L.A. Gogotishvili’s Interpretation (Vyach. Ivanov and A.F. Losev)], in Studia Litterarum, 2019, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 252–273.
- Fedotova, S.V. Simvolizm Vyacheslava Ivanova v kontekste polemiki L. Gogotishvili s Yu. Stepanovym [Symbolism of Vyacheslav Ivanov in the context of polemics between L. Gogotishvili and Y. Stepanov], in Europa orientalis, 2022, no. 41, pp. 297–313.
- Gravin, A.A. Simvolizm Vyacheslava Ivanova i Andreya Belogo v svete predikativnoy kontseptsii Lyudmily Gogotishvili [Symbolism of Vyacheslav Ivanov and Andrei Bely in Context of Lyudmila Gogotishvili`s Predicative Concept], in Solov'evskie issledovaniya, 2022, issue 4(76), pp. 133–147.
- Kayanidi, L.G. Casus Gogotishvili: kriticheskie zamechaniya k kontseptsii predika-tivnogo simvolizma [Casus Gogotishvili: critical remarks on the concept of predicative symbolism], in Vestnik Tyumenskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Gumanitarnye issledovaniya. Humanitates, 2023, vol. 9, no. 3(35), pp. 25–39.
- Sozina, E.K. Kontseptsiya simvola L.A. Gogotishvili i poeziya Vyach. Ivanova: tolkovanie i primenenie [The Concept of Symbol L.A. Gogotishvili and Vyach. Ivanov's Poetry: Interpretation and Application], in Vestnik kul'turologii, 2023, no. 2(105), pp. 35–58.
(Articles from Proceedings and Collections of Research Papers)
- Gravin, A.A. L.A. Gogotishvili kak issledovatel' i posledovatel' A.F. Loseva [L.A. Gogotishvili as a researcher and follower of A.F. Losev], in Prinoshenie: Aze Alibekovne Takho-Godi ot blagodarnykh uchenikov i kolleg k 100-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya: Fuga temporum [An offering to: Aza Alibekovna Tahoe-Godi from grateful students and colleagues on the 100th anniversary of her birth: Fuga temporum]. Saint-Petersburg: Aleteyya, 2023, pp. 357–366.
- Titarenko, S.D. «Faust nashego veka»: Mifopoetika Vyacheslava Ivanova [“Faust of Our Century”: Mythopoetics of Vyacheslav Ivanov]. Saint-Petersburg: ID «Petropolis», 2012. 654 p.
(Thesis and Thesis Abstracts)
- Tashchian, A.A. Dialektika mifa A.F. Loseva i ideya russkoy filosofii. Diss. ... kand. filos. nauk [A.F. Losev's Dialectics of Myth and the Idea of Russian Philosophy. Cand. philos. sci. diss.]. Krasnodar, 1998. 161 p.
- Tsylev, V.R. Interpretatsiya mifa v russkoy religiozno-filosofskoy traditsii (konets XIX – pervaya polovina XX vv.). Diss. ... kand. filos. nauk [Interpretation of myth in the Russian religious and philosophical tradition (late XIX – first half of XX centuries). Cand. philos. sci. diss.]. Murmansk, 2004. 170 p.
- Panasyuk, A.N. (igum. Ermogen). Dialektika mifa A.F. Loseva kak metodologiya filosofii religii i apologetiki. Diss. … kand. bogosloviya [A.F. Losev's Dialectics of Myth as a Methodology of Philosophy of Religion and Apologetics. Cand. of Theol. diss.]. Minsk, 2019. 208 p.