Vladimir Solovyov – great Gnostic thinker
The article examines the well-known negative assessment of the philosophy of Vladimir Solovyov, associated with the fact that he developed the ideas of German philosophy of the 19th century, and did not follow the path of creating “Orthodox philosophy”. Within the framework of the assumption that since the middle of the 2nd century there were two interpretations of the teachings of Jesus Christ – Gnostic and Orthodox, it is proved that in the history of European philosophy from Origen to Schopenhauer, the tradition of mystical pantheism based on Gnostic Christianity absolutely prevailed. There was no “strictly Orthodox” philosophy in history, and, as shown by the attempt to build it, undertaken at the beginning of the twentieth century by S.N. Bulgakov, it is impossible due to the incompatibility of the dogmatic system of the church with meaningful philosophy. It is concluded that Solovyov’s main merit lies in the consistent development of the modern model of mystical pantheism, which was started by German philosophers of the 19th century (Schelling, Schopenhauer, etc.), taking into account the original interpretations of undistorted, Gnostic Christianity in Russian philosophy (Dostoevsky, Tolstoy).
Collected Works
1. Florenskiy, P.A. Okolo Khomyakova (Kriticheskie zametki) [About Khomyakov (Critical Notes)], in Florenskiy, P.A. Sochineniya v 4 t., t. 2 [Works in 4 vols., vol. 2]. Moscow: Mysl', 1996, pp. 278–336.
2. Filosofskiy slovar' Vladimira Solov'eva [Philosophical Dictionary of Vladimir Solovyov]. Rostov-on-Don: Feniks, 1997. 464 p.
3. Perepiska L.N. Tolstogo s V.S. Solov'evym [Correspondence of L.N. Tolstoy with V.S. Solovyov], in Literaturnoe nasledstvo. T. 37/38: L.N. Tolstoy. Ch. II [Literary Heritage. Vol. 37/38: L.N. Tolstoy. Part II]. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo AN SSSR, 1939, pp. 268–276.
Individual Works
4. Chicherin, B.N. Istoriya politicheskikh ucheniy. T. 2 [History of political doctrines. Vol. 2]. Saint-Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo RKhGA, 2008. 732 p.
5. Florovskiy, G. Puti russkogo bogosloviya [Paths of Russian Theology]. Paris: YMKA-Press, 1937. 504 p.
6. Solov'ev, Vl. <Bog est' vse. Vse stanovitsya Bogom> [<God is everything. Everything becomes God>], in Solov’evskie issledovaniya, 2019, issue 2(62), pp. 19–38.
(Articles from Scientific Journals)
7. Mezhuev, B.V. «On videl osobuyu missiyu russkogo naroda». Pochemu filosof Vladimir Solov'ev schital, chto Rossiya ob'edinit vse chelovechestvo? [“He saw a special mission of the Russian people”. Why did philosopher Vladimir Solovyov believe that Russia would unite all of humanity?], in Solov’evskie issledovaniya, 2024, issue 1(81), pp. 7–19.
8. Nadeina, D.A., Evlampiev, I.I. Problema proiskhozhdeniya i sushchnosti nichto v khristianskoy kontseptsii tvoreniya mira Bogom [The problem of the origin and essence of nothing in the Christian concept of the creation of the world by God], in Istoriya filosofii, 2024, no. 1, pp. 17–28.
9. Vladimir Solov'ev i budushchee russkoy filosofii (materialy mezhdunarodnogo «kruglogo stola») [Vladimir Solovyov and the Future of Russian Philosophy (materials of the international round table)], in Voprosy filosofii, 2024 no. 2, pp. 94–116.
10. Evlampiev, I.I. Istoriya russkoy metafiziki v XIX–ХХ vekakh. Russkaya filosofiya v poiskakh Absolyuta [History of Russian metaphysics in the 19th–20th centuries. Russian philosophy in search of the Absolute]. Saint-Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo RKhGA, 2020. 920 p.
11. Evlampiev, I.I. Neiskazhennoe khristianstvo i ego sud'ba v evropeyskoy istorii [Undistorted Christianity and its fate in European history]. Saint-Petersburg: TsSO, 2024. 808 p.
12. Sholem, G. Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism. New York: Schocken Books, 1961. 484 p.