Russian philosophy of all-unity as a prototype of integral science

Author: korolevaNV / Date: 27-09-2024 /
Publication Title: 
Russian philosophy of all-unity as a prototype of integral science
Publication author(s): 
V.I. Moiseev

At the moment, Russian and foreign historiography is dominated by the attitude towards the Russian philosophy of unity as one of the schools that is of interest mainly to historians of philosophy. The author's projects “logic of all-unity” and “philosophy of neo-all-unitty” realize a fundamentally different attitude to the phenomenon of Russian philosophy of all-unity as an open project, which was only initiated by V.S. Solovyov and his followers. Within the framework of these projects, it is substantiated that the theoretical foundation of Russian philosophy of all-unity was a system of logical-philosophical concepts, which, as a whole, form a single system of non-classically rational type, the logic of all-unity. This system was isolated in its pure form and applied not only to a new interpretation of the Russian philosophy of all-unity, but also formed the basis of a new philosophical trend, the philosophy of neo-all-unity. The stage of further development of these projects is the formation of a new type of scientific knowledge of integral type, integral science. The article gives examples of construction of some sections of integral science, based on the logical means of the new formal axiomatic system – Projective Modal Ontology (PMO). Such sections as the theory of multi-unity, the logic of self-, other- and full-being, the logic of conditional and unconditional being, and the logic of the Absolute are briefly presented. In conclusion, an understanding of being as participation in the Absolute and a proof of the Absolute's being built on this basis are given. In this view, the ideas and methods of Russian philosophy of all-unity are still relevant and are in a state of constant rethinking and development.




Individual Works

1. Spinoza, B. Etika [Ethics]. Saint-Petersburg: Asta-press ltd, 1993. 248 p.

(Articles from Scientific Journals)

2. Moiseev, V.I. Filosofiya vseedinstva Vladimira Solov'eva kak novoe uchenie o mnogoobrazii [Vladimir Solovyov's Philosophy of All-Unity as a New Doctrine of Manifold], in Solov'evskie issledovaniya, 2019, issue 3(63), pp. 59–67.

(Articles from Proceedings and Collections of Research Papers)

3. Moiseev, V.I. Ot logiki vseedinstva k filosofii neovseedinstva [From Logic of All-Unity to the Philosophy of Neo-All-Unity], in Materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii «Filosofiya V.S. Solov'eva v mezhkul'turnoy kommunikatsii: K 110-letiyu so dnya smerti V.S. Solov'eva i 20-letiyu pravednoy konchiny protoiereya Aleksandra Menya». Ivanovo, 23–25 sentyabrya 2010 g. [Proceedings of the international scientific conference “Philosophy of V.S. Solovyov in intercultural communication: to the 110th anniversary of the death of V.S. Solovyov and the 20th anniversary of the righteous death of Archpriest Alexander Men'”, Ivanovo, September 23–25, 2010]. Ivanovo, 2010, pp. 86–90.


4. Moiseev, V.I. Logika vseedinstva [Logic of All-Unity]. Moscow: PER SE, 2002. 415 p.

5. Moiseev, V.I. Logika Dobra. Nravstvennyy logos Vladimira Solov'eva [Logic of Good. The Moral Logos of Vladimir Soloviev]. Moscow: Editorial URSS, 2004. 400 p.

6. Moiseev, V.I. Logika otkrytogo sinteza v 2 t., t. 1. Struktura. Priroda. Dusha. Kn. 1 [Logic of open synthesis: in 2 vols., vol. 1. Structure. Nature. Soul. Book 1]. Saint-Petersburg: ID «Mir"», 2010. 744 p.

7. Moiseev, V.I. Logika otkrytogo sinteza v 2 t., t. 1. Struktura. Priroda. Dusha. Kn. 2 [Logic of open synthesis: in 2 vols., vol. 1. Structure. Nature. Soul. Book 2]. Saint-Petersburg: ID «Mir"», 2010. 743 p.

8. Moiseev, V.I. Chelovek i obshchestvo: obrazy sinteza v 2 t., t. 1 [Man and Society: Images of Synthesis in 2 vols., vol. 1]. Moscow: ID «Navigator», 2012. 711 p.

9. Moiseev, V.I. Chelovek i obshchestvo: obrazy sinteza v 2 t., t. 2 [Man and Society: Images of Synthesis in 2 vols., vol. 2]. Moscow: ID «Navigator», 2012. 759 p.

10. Moiseev, V.I. Ocherki po filosofii neovseedinstva: Opyt matematicheskogo prochteniya filosofii. Aksiologiya. Logika. Fenomenologiya [Essays on the Philosophy of Neo-All-Unity: Experience of Mathematical Reading of Philosophy. Axiology. Logic. Phenomenology]. Moscow: LENAND, 2018. 632 p.

11. Moiseev, V.I. R-fizika: proekt fiziki neorganicheskoy i organicheskoy prirody («bol'shoy fiziki») na osnove relyativistskoy teorii kolichestva v 2 t., t. 1: Estestvenno-nauchnyy proekt [R-physics: the project of physics of inorganic and organic nature (“Big Physics”) based on the relativistic theory of quantity in 2 vols., vol. 1: Natural Science project]. Moscow: LENAND, 2019. 552 p.

12. Moiseev, V.I. R-fizika: proekt fiziki neorganicheskoy i organicheskoy prirody («bol'shoy fiziki») na osnove relyativistskoy teorii kolichestva v 2 t., t. 2: Osnovaniya. Gumanitarnye prilozheniya [R-physics: a project of physics of inorganic and organic nature (“big physics”) based on the relativistic theory of quantity in 2 vols., vol. 2: Foundations. Humanitarian applications]. Moscow: LENAND, 2019. 464 p.

13. Moiseev, V.I. Mirologiya: Nauka o miropodobnykh sistemakh [Myrology: The science of world-like systems]. Moscow: LENAND, 2022. 600 p.

Key words: 
Russian philosophy of all-unity, logic of all-unity, philosophy of neo-all-unity, Integral Science, Projective Modal Ontology, many-unity, all-unity, theory of many-unity, self-being, other-being, full-being, conditional being, unconditional being, Absolute
2024. Issue 3 (83)
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