Ethos and Chronos of Vladimir Sergeevich Solovyov
The paper presents the theses of reflections of a member of the editorial board of the journal “Solovyov Studies”, which complement the discussion of the topic “Vladimir Solovyov and the Future of Russian Philosophy” held within the framework of the international “round table”. The special role and significance of the journal “Solovyov Studies” in the scientific study of the work of the outstanding Russian religious thinker is pointed out. Over the decades of its existence, the journal has published hundreds of scientific articles by highly qualified domestic and foreign authors, outstanding scientists and novice researchers who have made a significant contribution to the study of the work of Vladimir Sergeevich Solovyov. These works are in demand today in a variety of areas of humanities – in cultural studies and philosophy, history of literature, literary criticism, religious studies and theology. This work also presents a thesis statement of the conceptual ideas of V.S. Solovyov, which have not lost their relevance in our days, but on the contrary, have acquired special acuteness and significance. In particular, it is shown that the “theocratic project” of the thinker, despite its seeming utopianism, attracts the attention of not only intellectuals, but also public and political figures in the West and in Russia. In modern Russian society, the topic of the ethos and chronos of the “Russian idea” is again being discussed with particular acuteness. One of its sources was precisely the philosophy of V.S. Solovyov. Russia, in the understanding of V.S. Solovyov, realizes God's plan for it, this is its providential ethos. Its historical mission is simultaneously moral (ethos) and providential (chronos) – it is the mission of uniting Christian civilization.
Individual Works
1. Zen'kovskiy, V.V. Istoriya russkoy filosofii v 2 t., t. II, ch. 1 [The History of Russian Philosophy in 2 vols., vol. II, part 1]. Leningrad: Ego, 1991. 256 p.
(Articles from Proceedings and Collections of Research Papers)
2. Khoruzhiy, S.S. Solov'ev i mistiko-asketicheskaya traditsiya Pravoslaviya [Solovyov and the mystical and ascetic tradition of Orthodoxy], in Khoruzhiy, S.S. O Starom i Novom. Saint-Petersburg, 2000, pp. 182–206.
3. Losev, A.F. Vl. Solov'ev [Vl. Solovyov]. Moscow: Mysl', 1994. 230 p.
4. Maksimov, M.V. Stat'i, obzory i retsenzii, opublikovannye v zhurnale «Solov'evskie issledovaniya». Bibliograficheskiy ukazatel': 2001–2021 gg. Vyp. 1–72 [Articles, reviews and assessments published in the journal “Solovyov studies”. Bibliographic index: 2001–2021, vol. 1–72]. Saint-Petersburg: Aleteyya, 2022. 416 p.
5. Florovskiy, G. Puti russkogo bogosloviya [The Way of Russian Theology]. Paris, 1983. 599 p.