The Unity Principle as the Basis of the Idea of Immortality in the Philosophy of F.M. Dostoevsky and V.S. Solovyov
The article represents a study of F.M. Dostoevsky’s and V.S. Solovyov’s immortological ideas, which are insufficiently studied today. On the material of various publications of Dostoevsky, it is shown that he considered the idea of immortality as “the main and the most supreme idea of human existence”, since it is inherent in a perfect, final being, which implies an indissoluble unity. It is assumed that the sources of the writer’s immortalological ideas were the philosophical systems of I.G. Fichte, F.W.J. Schelling, K.G. Karus and G.T. Fechner. It was revealed that Dostoevsky considered active love and the idea of “absolute self-improvement” necessary for spiritual transformation and overcoming selfishness, leading to a violation of integrity and inevitable death. Based on the material of Solovyov's early works, it is shown that his views strongly coincided with the position of the writer. As it turned out, both Russian thinkers saw the possibility of a future life only in connection with Christianity, which differed significantly from traditional teaching. An overview of the concept of “true Christianity” is given, which presupposes, first of all, faith in the immortality of man and unity. Suffering is seen as a necessary driving force towards the conscious renunciation of one's own personality and the merging of humanity with the diversity of manifestations of the metaphysical essence. It is shown that an important condition for this is joint improvement, since individual efforts to transform the world are not enough. It is concluded that due to such transformation “free all-human unity, worldwide brotherhood in the name of Christ” will be established in the world. Undoubtedly, partly utopian in their basis, the ideas of the writer and philosopher were aimed at solving the spiritual problems of man of that time and humanity in general.
Collected works
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