Love and theocracy: the path to divine perfection in the philosophy of Fr. Baader and Vl. Solovyov

Author: korolevaNV / Date: 29-03-2024 /
Publication Title: 
Love and theocracy: the path to divine perfection in the philosophy of Fr. Baader and Vl. Solovyov
Publication author(s): 
V.N. Smirnov, I.I. Evlampiev

The article analyzes the most original fragment of the philosophical system of V.S. Solovyov – his idea that humanity can move towards the Kingdom of God on earth, towards divine perfection, through ideal sexual love and through an ideal form of government, theocracy. The authors substantiate the hypothesis that Solovyov borrowed this concept from the writings of the German philosopher Franz Baader. The analysis of Baader's concept led to the conclusion that he understood sexual love in its ideal form, that is, made free from the predominance of physical passion in it, as the only possible form of transformation of individuals from an imperfect, sinful state into a divine state. Theocracy, understood as a way of direct rule of God through an organic synthesis of state and church, plays the same role at the level of humanity. The authors of the article show that Solovyov significantly modified and specified this concept, but retained its general content. The article proves the direct connection of the philosophical system of Baader and his predecessor K. Eckartshausen with the tradition of Gnostic Christianity and with the doctrine of the world and man, set forth in the most famous Gnostic apocrypha (Apocrypha of John and the Gospel of Philip). This allows authors to conclude that Solovyov’s system in its most original and meaningful elements develops the tradition of Gnostic Christianity and cannot be reduced to ideas characteristic of the dogmatic teaching of the church, as Solovyov’s Orthodox critics insist (E.N. Trubetskoy, A.F. Losev and others).




Collected Works

1. Baader, F. von. Die römisch katholische und die griechisch russische Kirche. Franz Von Baader's Sämmtliche Werke. Bd. 5. Leipzig: Verlag von Herrmann Bethmann, 1854, pp. 390–398.

2. Baader, F. von. Sätze aus der erotischen Philosophie. Franz Von Baader's Sämmtliche Werke. Bd. 4. Leipzig: Verlag von Herrmann Bethmann, 1853, pp. 163–178.

3. Baader, F. von. Ueber die Trennbarkeit oder Untrennbarkeit des Papstthums oder des Primats vom Katholicismus. Franz Von Baader's Sämmtliche Werke. Bd. 5. Leipzig: Verlag von Herrmann Bethmann, 1854, pp. 368–372.

4. Baader, F. von. Vierzig Sätze aus einer religiösen Erotik. Franz Von Baader's Sämmtliche Werke. Bd. 4. Leipzig: Verlag von Herrmann Bethmann, 1853, pp. 179–200.

5. Evangelie ot Filippa [The Gospel of Philip], in Apokrify drevnikh khristian. Issledovanie, teksty, kommentarii [Apocrypha of Ancient Christians. Research, texts, comments]. Moscow: Mysl', 1989, pp. 274–296.

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7. Solov'ev, V.S. Ob upadke srednevekovogo mirosozertsaniya [On the decline of the medieval worldview], in Solov'ev, V.S. Sochineniya v 2 t., t. 2 [Works in 2 vols., vol. 2]. Moscow: Mysl', 1988, pp. 339–350.

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Individual Works

10. Baader, F. von. Ueber das durch die französische Revolution herbeigeführte Bedürfniss einer neuen und innigern Verbindung der Religion mit der Politik. Nürnberg: Friedrich Campe, 1815. 28 p.

11. Chicherin, B.N. Istoriya politicheskikh ucheniy. V 3 t. T. 2 [History of political doctrines. In 3 vols. Vol. 2]. Saint-Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo RKhGA, 2008. 752 p.

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15. Trubetskoy, E.N. Mirosozertsanie V.S. Solov'eva. V 2 t. Т. 1 [Worldview of V.S. Solovyov. In 2 vols. Vol. 1]. Moscow: Moskovskiy filosofskiy fond, 1995. 606 p.

(Articles from Proceedings and Collections of Research Papers)

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22. Evlampiev, I.I. Obraz Iisusa Khrista v filosofskom mirovozzrenii F.M. Dostoevskogo [The image of Jesus Christ in the philosophical worldview of F.M. Dostoevsky]. Saint-Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo RKhGA, 2021. 600 p.

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Key words: 
sexual love in the philosophy of Solovyov and Baader, the tradition of Gnostic Christianity in the philosophy of Eckartshausen and Baader, the Apocrypha of John, the Gospel of Philip, the concept of theocracy, the Eastern Church, Western Church
2024. Issue 1 (81)
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