From Dialogue to Polylogue (review of the book: Comparative Philosophy: From Comparative to Intercultural Philosophy / co-edited by M.T. Stepanyants. Moscow: Nauka; Vost. lit., 2022. 399 p.)

Author: korolevaNV / Date: 17-12-2023 /
Publication Title: 
From Dialogue to Polylogue (review of the book: Comparative Philosophy: From Comparative to Intercultural Philosophy / co-edited by M.T. Stepanyants. Moscow: Nauka; Vost. lit., 2022. 399 p.)
Publication author(s): 
A.B. Bocharov

The article presents a review of the book “Comparative Philosophy: from comparative to intercultural philosophy”, published in the series “Comparative Philosophy”. The thesis about the value of intercultural philosophy in the context of conceptology is presented. The hypothesis formulated states that intercultural philosophy expands the methodological and theoretical framework of philosophical research and can be evaluated as a frontier phenomenon. It is noted that the main thesis of intercultural philosophy consists in the rejection of West-centrism, in the criticism of the traditional historical and philosophical narrative. It is proposed to consider intercultural philsophy as an alternative to West-centrism, as it rejects the monologism inherent in western philosophy and insists on the polylogicity of philosophy. Intercultural philosophy insists on the rootedness of thinking in culture. He believes that intellectual influences and conceptual borrowings are a natural, normal situation in philosophy. However, borrowing can lead both to the fruitful development of the philosophical tradition, and to the loss of the integrity of culture, a decrease in its creative potential, and the ability to reproduce. Intercultural philosophy is aimed at explication of positive forms of intercultural interaction. It suggests a new model of the historical and philosophical process, the main method of which is a polylogue, although the followers of intercultural philosophy are still debating whether intercultural philosophy is a new direction or a new methodology. Russian philosophy can also be revised and reinterpreted. N.Y. Danilevsky, V.S. Solovyov, Slavophiles, etc. can be considered intercultural thinkers. The methodological basis of the study was the comparative and hermeneutic methods.



Collected Works

  1. Malinov, A.V., Rybas, A.E. (ed.) Interkul'turnaya filosofiya: polilog traditsiy: sbornik trudov konferentsii [Intercultural Philosophy: Polylogue of Traditions: Proceedings of the Conference]. Saint-Petersburg: Intersotsis, 2020. 287 p.
  2.  Sravnitel'naya filosofiya: ot sravnitel'noy k mezhkul'turnoy filosofii [Comparative philosophy: from comparative to intercultural philosophy]. Moscow: Nauka; Vostochnaya literatura, 2022. 399 р.

Individual Works

  1.  Kupriyanov, V.A., Malinov, A.V. Akademik V.I. Lamanskiy. Materialy k biografii i nauchnoy deyatel'nosti [Academician V.I. Lamansky. Materials to biography and scientific activity]. Saint-Petersburg: Dmitriy Bulanin, 2020. 560 p.
  2.  Malinov, A.V. Issledovaniya i stat'i po russkoy filosofii [Studies and articles on Russian philosophy]. Saint-Petersburg: RKhGA, 2020. 608 p.
  3.  Nabokov, V. Otchayanie [Despair], in Nabokov, V. Sobranie sochineniy v 4 t., t. 3 [Collected works in 4 vols., vol. 3]. Moscow: Pravda, 1990,  p. 357.
  4.  Solov'ev, V.S. Pervoe nachalo teoreticheskoy filosofii [The first beginning of theoretical philosophy], in Solov'ev, V.S. Sochineniya v 2 t., t. 1 [Works in 2 vols., vol. 1]. Moscow: Mysl', 1990. 759 p.
  5.  Stepanyants, M.T. Mezhkul'turnaya filosofiya: istoki, metodologiya, problematika, perspektivy [Intercultural Philosophy: Origins, Methodology, Problematics, Perspectives]. Moscow: Nauka; Vostochnaya literatura, 2020. 183 p.

(Articles from Scientific Journals)

8. Bazanov, P.N., Vakhitov, R.R., Gavrilov, I.B., Ermishina, K.B., Korol'kov, A.A., Malinov, A.V., Medovarov, M.V., Teslya, A.A., Fateev, V.A. Evraziystvo: pro et contra. K 100-letiyu vykhoda sbornika «Iskhod k vostoku». Materialy kruglogo stola nauchnogo proekta izdatel'stva SPbDA «Vizantiyskiy kabinet»  [Eurasianism: pro et contra. To the 100th anniversary of the publication of the collection “Exodus to the East”. Materials of the roundtable discussion of the scientific project of the SPbDA Publishing House “Byzantine Study”], in Russko-vizantiyskiy vestnik, 2023, no. 2, pp. 12–52. DOI: 10.47132/2588-0276_2023_2_12

9. Boteva-Rikhter, B. «Inter-» kak metamorfoza mysli – metod Vatsudzi i ego primenimost' v mezhkul'turnom diskurse sovremennosti [“Inter-” as metamorphosis of thought – Watsuji's method and its applicability in the intercultural discourse of modernity], in Filosofskiy polilog, 2020, no. 2, pp. 11–27. DOI:

10. Fornet-Betankur, R. Sovremennyy mir kak vyzov interkul'turnosti [The Modern World as a Challenge of Interculturality], in Filosofskiy polilog, 2020, no. 1, pp. 27–39.

11. Lysenko, V.G. Sravnitel'naya filosofiya ili mezhkul'turnaya filosofiya v perspektive postkolonial'nykh issledovaniy [Comparative philosophy or intercultural philosophy in the perspective of postcolonial studies], in Filosofskie nauki, 2017, no. 5, pp. 7–27.

12. Malinov, A.V. Mezhkul'turnaya filosofiya: opyt tematizatsii: (Retsenziya na knigu: Stepanyants M.T. Mezhkul'turnaya filosofiya: istoki, metodologiya, problematika, perspektivy. M.: Nauka; Vost. lit., 2020. 183 s.) [Intercultural philosophy: experience of thematisation: (Review of the book: Stepanyants M.T. Intercultural philosophy: origins, methodology, problematics, prospects. M.: Nauka; Vost. lit., 2020. 183 p.)], in Imagologiya i komparativistika, 2021, no. 15, pp. 280–290.

13. Malinov, A.V. Filosofiya poliloga [Philosophy of polylogue], in Filosofskiy polilog, 2017, no. 1, pp. 7–11. DOI: 10.31119/phlog.2017.1.1

14. Nazarova, O. Kontseptsiya interkul'turnoy filosofii i ee vozmozhnaya retseptsiya v kontekste issledovaniya russkoy filosofii [The concept of intercultural philosophy and its possible reception in the context of the study of Russian philosophy], in Mysl': zhurnal Peterburgskogo filosofskogo obshchestva, 2016, issue 20, pp. 7–18.

15. Nazarova, O. O sushchnostnom otlichii «mezh-» ot «inter-»: ot mezhkul'turnogo k interkul'turnomu filosofskomu polilogu v evropeyskom kul'turnom prostranstve [On the essential difference between “mezh-” and “inter-”: from intercultural to intercultural philosophical polylogue in the European cultural space], in Filosofskiy polilog, 2021, no. 2, pp. 24–42. DOI:

16. Panfilova, T.V. M.T. Stepanyants. Mezhkul'turnaya filosofiya: istoki, metodologiya, problematika, perspektivy. In-t filosofii RAN. M.: Nauka; Vostochnaya literatura, 2020. 183 p. [M.T. Stepanyants. Intercultural philosophy: origins, methodology, problematics, perspectives. Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow: Nauka; Vostochnaya literatura, 2020. 183 p.], in Voprosy filosofii, 2020, no. 5, pp. 215–218.

17. Reznik, Yu. Ot filosofii nad kul'turami k mezhkul'turnoy filosofii? (Razmyshleniya nad knigoy M.T. Stepanyants «Mezhkul'turnaya filosofiya: istoki, metodologiya, problematika, perspektivy») [From philosophy over cultures to intercultural philosophy? (Reflections on the book by M.T. Stepanyants “Intercultural Philosophy: Origins, Methodology, Problematics, Prospects”)], in Problemy tsivilizatsionnogo razvitiya, 2022, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 88–100.

18. Shipovalova, L.V. Ideya sobornosti A.S. Khomyakova: transformatsiya smysla v raznykh kontekstakh [Idea of Sobornosti A.S. Khomyakov: transformation of meaning in different contexts], in Filosofskiy polilog, 2019, no. 1, pp. 53–66.

19. Smirnov, A.V., Danilevskaya, O.N., Sidorin, V.V., Malinov, A.V., Fetisenko, O.L., Vorozhikhina, K.V., Berdnikova, A.Yu., Teslya, A.A., Bazhov, S.I., Ermishina, K.B. K 200-letiyu N.Ya. Danilevskogo. Tvorcheskoe nasledie N.Ya. Danilevskogo: istoriya i sovremennost'. Materialy kruglogo stola [To the 200th anniversary of N.Y. Danilevsky. Creative heritage of N.Ya. Danilevsky: history and modernity. Materials of the round table], in Filosofskiy polilog, 2022, no. 2, pp. 101–150.

20. Stepanyants, M.T. Mezhkul'turnaya filosofiya, kak epokha skhvachennaya v mysli [Intercultural philosophy as an epoch grasped in thought], in Filosofskiy polilog, 2020, no. 1, pp. 11–26. DOI:


Key words: 
intercultural philosophy, comparative philosophy, polylogue, dialogue, West-centrism, reception, concept, conceptology, narrative, narrative approach, intertextuality, frontier
2023. Issue 4 (80)
The DOI index: 
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