Who is “R-n”: about one of the addressees of A.A. Blok's reviews of poets (one hundred years after their first publication by P.N. Medvedev)
The article examines the circumstances associated with the use of “cryptonyms” in the publication of A.A. Blok's resolutions on poets, carried out by P.N. Medvedev in 1923.The surname of the paleontologist and writer A.N. Ryabinin, one of the applicants for joining the Petrograd branch of the All–Russian Union of Poets, is revealed. For the first time, the full handwritten text of the collective document stored in the RO IRLI with the resolutions of the members of the Admissions Committee (A.A. Blok, M.L. Lozinsky, N.S. Gumilev, M.A. Kuzmin) about his book of poems “After the Thunderstorm” (1918) is introduced into scientific circulation. The emphasis is placed on the aesthetic principles of Blok's evaluation of the reviewed poems. The characteristics of scientific, literary and social activities of A.N. Ryabinin are compared with Block's ideas about the creative potential of the Russian scientific and technical intelligentsia and its role in the transformation of Russia. The positive reaction of A.M. Remizov to the work by A.N. Ryabinin is analyzed, aspects of their possible creative contacts are outlined.
Collected Works
1. Blok, A.A. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy i pisem v 20 t., t. 3 [Complete works and letters in 20 vols., vol. 3]. Moscow: Nauka, 1997. 989 p.
2. Remizov, A.M. Sobranie sochineniy. T. 12: Rusaliya [Complete works, vol. 12]. Saint-Petersburg: Rostok, 2016. 991 p.
Individual works
3. Blok, A. Zapisnye knizhki, 1901‒1920 [Notebooks, 1901–1920]. Moscow: Nauka, 1965. 663 p.
4. Lundberg, E.G. Pis′mo k A.N. Ryabininu (sentyabr′ 1907) [Letter to A.N. Ryabinin (September 1907)], in RGIA. F. 1598. Op. 1. № 16. 1 l.
5. Obatnina, E.R. (ed.) I. Avtobiografiya E.G. Lundberga. II. Pis′ma E.G. Lundberga k A.M. Remizovu [I. Autobiography of E.G. Lundberg. II. Letters of E.G. Lundberg to A.M. Remizov], in Ezhegodnik Rukopisnogo otdela Pushkinskogo Doma na 2000 g. [The Yearbook of the Manuscripts Department of Pushkinskiy Dom for 2000]. Saint-Petersburg: Dm. Bulanin, 2004, pp. 314–367.
6. <Otzyvy chlenov Priemnoy komissii Petrogradskogo otdeleniya Soyuza poetov na knigu stikhov A.N. Ryabinina «Posle grozy» (1918). 1920> [<Reviews of the members of the Admission Committee of the Petrograd branch of the Union of Poets on the book of poems by A.N. Ryabinin “After the thunderstorm” (1918). 1920>], in Manuscripts Dept. of IRLI. F. 370. (raw fund). 1 l.
7. Remizov, A.M. Krashenye ryla: Teatr i kniga [Painted snouts: Theater and book]. Berlin: Grani, 1922. 135 p.
8. Ryabinin, A.N. Ob issledovanii v gidrogeologicheskom otnoshenii klyuchey, pitayushchikh Vyatskiy gorodskoy vodoprovod: Otchet Vyatskoy gorodskoy uprave [On the hydrogeological study of the keys feeding the Vyatka city water supply: Report to the Vyatka City Council]. Vyatka: typo-lit. N.A. Ogorodnikova and Co., 1904. 78 p.
9. Ryabinin, A.N. Posle grozy [After a thunderstorm]. Petrograd: Izdatel′stvo Tovarishchestva «Muromskoe pechatnoe delo», 1918. 85 p.
10. Ryabinin, A.N. Iskopaemye l′vy Urala i Povolzh′ya [Fossil lions of the Urals and the Volga region]. Petrograd: [b. i.], 1919. 24 p.
11. Ryabinin, A.N. Stikhotvoreniya: liricheskie i revolyutsionnye. Avtograf.1900–1921 [Poems: lyrical and revolutionary. Autograph.1900–1921], in SPF ARAN. F. 732. Op. 1. № 38. 283 l.
(Articles from Scientific Journals)
12. Gracheva, A.M. Istoki i evolyutsiya «teorii russkogo lada» Alekseya Remizova (1900–1920-e gg.) [Origins and Evolution of the “Theory of a Core Mode of the Russian Literary Style” by Alexei Remizov (1900s–1920s)], in Problemy istoricheskoy poetiki, 2019, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 232–257.
13. Ustinov, A.B. Aleksandr Blok i Nikolay Gumilev v petrogradskom Soyuze poetov [Ustinov A. Alexander Blok and Nikolai Gumilev in the Petrograd Union of Poets], in Rhema, 2020, no. 2, pp. 18–59.
(Articles from Proceedings and Collections of Research Papers)
14. Borovikov, L.I. Anatoliy Nikolaevich Ryabinin (1874–1942), in Vydayushchiesya uchenye Geologicheskogo komiteta [Outstanding scientists of the Geological Committee]. Leningrad: Nauka, 1982, pp. 79–108.
15. Ermatsans, E.A., Bolotskiy, I.Yu. A.N. Ryabinin – pervyy v Rossii issledovatel′ dinozavrov [A.N. Ryabinin – the first dinosaur researcher in Russia], in Priroda, 2016, no. 11, pp. 68–76.
16. Ermatsans, E.A. A.N. Ryabinin o estestvennonauchnykh muzeyakh Zapadnoy Evropy (na osnove zagranichnogo dnevnika 1924–1925 gg.) [A.N. Ryabinin about natural science museums of Western Europe (based on a foreign diary of 1924–1925)], in Sto let izucheniya dinozavrov Priamur′ya: nauchnaya sessiya, posvyashchennaya vydayushchemusya paleontologu i geologu A.N. Ryabininu: sbornik dokladov [One hundred years of studying dinosaurs of the Amur region: a scientific session dedicated to the outstanding paleontologist and geologist A.N. Ryabinin: collection of reports]. Blagoveshchensk: Bukvitsa, 2016, pp. 44–47.
17. Izergina, N.P. Anatoliy Nikolaevich Ryabinin v vyatskoy ssylke [Anatoly Nikolaevich Ryabinin in Vyatka exile], in Izergina, N.P. Pisateli v Vyatke: literaturno-kraevedcheskie ocherki [Writers in Vyatka: lit.- local historian. Essays]. Kirov: Volgo-Vyatskoe knizhnoe izdatel'stvo, Kirovskoe otdelenie, 1979, pp. 174–177.
18. Khronika <Ob organizatsii Peterburgskogo Soyuza poetov> [Chronicle <About the organization of the St. Petersburg Union of Poets>], in Zhizn’ iskusstva, 1920, no. 517, July 30, p. 1.
19. Medvedev, P.N. Neopublikovannyye retsenzii [Unpublished reviews], in Sbornik materialov «Pamyati Bloka» [Collection of materials “In memory of Blok”]. Peterburg: Polyarnaya zvezda, 1923, pp. 63–72.
20. Nashi zadachi [Our tasks], in Gorno-zavodskoe delo, 1914, no. 1, 8 January, pp. 8328–8330.
21. Remizov, A.M. Slovo o pogibeli zemli russkoy [The Word about the destruction of the Russian land], in Rossiya v slove. Liter, pril. № 1 k gaz. «Volya naroda», 1917, November 28, p. 2.
22. Remizov, A.M. Felis spelaea [Cave lion], in Zhizn’ iskusstva, 1920, March 4, no. 388, p. 1.
23. Rozhdestvenskaya, M.V., Timenchik, R.D. Blok i Soyuz poetov. I. Blok v arkhive Vs.A. Rozhdestvenskogo; II. Otzyvy, sokhranivshiyesya v drugikh arkhivakh [Blok and the Union of Poets: I. Blok in the archive of Vs.A. Rozhdestvensky; II. Reviews preserved in other archives], in Literaturnоe nasledstvo, 1987, vol. 92, no. 4, pp. 684–695.
24. Rozhdestvenskiy, Vs. Kak eto nachinalos′. Listki vospominaniy [How it started. Sheets of memories], in Den′ poezii – 1966 [Poetry Day – 1966]. Leningrad: Sovetskiy pisatel′, 1966, pp. 87–90.
25. Ryabinin, A.N. Iz materialov po istorii rabochego dvizheniya v Ivanovo-Voznesenske. F.I. Shchekoldin. 1870–1919 [From materials on the history of the labor movement in Ivanovo-Voznesensk. F.I. Shchekoldin. 1870–1919], in Rabochiy kray, Ivanovo-Voznesensk, 1920, 21 December.
26. Prokhorenko, N.S. Ryabinin Anatoliy Nikolaevich (F. 732) [Ryabinin Anatoliy Nikolaevich (F. 732)], in Arkhiv Akademii Nauk SSSR: Obozrenie arkhivnykh materialov. T. VIII [Archive of the USSR Academy of Sciences: Review of archival materials. Vol. VIII]. Leningrad: Nauka, 1986, pp. 60–61.
27. Sitnikov, D. «Dyadya Tolya byl uzhe ochen′ slab»: zhizn′ A.N. Ryabinina v blokadnom Leningrade [“Uncle Tolya was already very weak”: the life of A.N. Ryabinin in besieged Leningrad], in Voyna. Blokada. Leningrad. Vyp. 4: fragmenty dokl. uchashchikhsya Sankt-Peterburga na XVIII gorodskoy istoriko-kraevedcheskoy konf. shkol′nikov Sankt-Peterburga v 2020 g. [War. The blockade. Leningrad. Issue 4: fragments of the dokl. of St. Petersburg students at the XVIII City Historical and Local history Conference of St. Petersburg schoolchildren in 2020]. Saint-Petersburg: Gorodskoy dvorets tvorchestva yunykh, 2020, pp. 18–21.
28. Topchiev, A.G. Brat′ya Ryabininy: zamechatel′naya pleyada russkikh uchenykh kontsa XIX – pervoy poloviny XX stoletiya [The Ryabinin brothers: a remarkable pleiade of Russian scientists of the late XIX – first half of the XX century], in Sto let izucheniya dinozavrov Priamur′ya: nauchnaya sessiya, posvyashchennaya vydayushchemusya paleontologu i geologu A.N. Ryabininu: sbornik dokladov [One hundred years of studying the dinosaurs of the Amur region: a scientific session dedicated to the outstanding paleontologist and geologist A.N. Ryabinin: collection of reports]. Blagoveshchensk: Bukvitsa, 2016, pp. 5–14.
(Electronic Resources)
29. Prokhorenko, N.S. Predislovie <k opisi lichnogo arkhiva A.N. Ryabinina> [Preface <to the inventory of the personal archive of A.N. Ryabinin>], in SPF ARAN F. 732. Op. 1. 7 p. Available at: http://ranar.spb.ru/srv/imageViewer/turn?url=mZaTmpGekprClpKemJrRlY+Y2Yu... (date of access: 20.10.23).
30. Ryabinin Anatoliy Nikolaevich (1874–1942), in Informatsionnaya sistema «Istoriya geologii i gornogo dela» [Information system “History of geology and mining”]. Available at: http://higeo.ginras.ru/view-record.php?tbl=person&id=509&ysclid=lo1sbmey... (date of access: 20.10.23).