“Real Deed of an Artist” and Philosophy of Art: Solovyev – Fyodorov – Chekrygin

Author: korolevaNV / Date: 17-12-2023 /
Publication Title: 
“Real Deed of an Artist” and Philosophy of Art: Solovyev – Fyodorov – Chekrygin
Publication author(s): 
E.M. Titarenko

The article is dedicated to the aesthetic views of an artist and philosopher V.N. Chekrygin (1897–1922). His ideas are compared to the philosophy of art of V.S. Solovyev and N.F. Fyodorov. Theoretical heritage of the artist is analyzed, it reflects understanding of the tasks of creativity, history and language of the visual art. The research is based on the texts of Chekrygin: “A Manifest of the Painters (1920)”, “The Program of One-year Course on Art Philosophy” (1920), “About Upcoming New Era of the All-European Art” (1921), “About Convocation of the Resurrecting Museum’ (1921), and his epistolary art. Little-known materials from the archive are considered. Studying aesthetic works of Fyodorov and Solovyev allows to make comparative-typological research of the artist and philosopher of art. The connection is shown between Chekrygin’s ideas and aesthetic tradition of the Russian religious philosophy. Signs of aesthetics of Christian universalism can be seen in his project of a new era of the art. The idea of the project of “living art” of Chekrygin is opposed to the research of avantgarde art and it was inspired by the ideas of conciliarity and theurgy. It is shown that philosophical-aesthetic ideas of the artist are close to the philosophy of art of V.S. Solovyov and even more to the doctrine of the aesthetic supramoralism of Fyodorov. The research discloses particularities of the aesthetic ideas of the artist, which are permeated with the spirit of eschatological anxiety. Chekrygin shows the way that modern art should follow referring to the topics of theophany, to the process of contemplation of the space evolvement and the creation of the church-museum of the universal resurrection.  It is proved that the artist creates the image of the final ideal of art conceiving the philosophical ideas of Solovyov and Fyodorov. It is proved that the artist remains in line with modernism discourse at the same time creating the outlines of the art of the future.



Collected Works

1. Fedorov, N.F. K stat'e «Chto takoe istoriya dlya neuchenykh» [To the Article “What is History for Non-Academic People”], in Fedorov, N.F. Sobranie sochineniy v 4 t., t. 3 [Collected Works in 4 vols., vol. 3]. Moscow: Traditsiya, 1997, pp.  367–368.

2. Solov'ev, V.S. Filosofskie nachala tsel'nogo znaniya [Philosophical Basics of Unitary Knowledge], in Solov'ev, V.S. Sochineniya v 2 t., t. 2 [Collected Works in 2 vols., vol. 2]. Moscow: Mysl', 1988, pp. 139–288.

3. Solov'ev, V.S. Krasota v prirode [Beauty in Nature], in Solov'ev, V.S. Sochineniya v 2 t., t. 2 [Collected Works in 2 vols., vol. 2]. Moscow: Mysl', 1988, pp. 351–389.

Individual Works

4. Chekrygin, V.N. O Sobore Voskreshayushchego Muzeya [About Convocation of the Resurrecting Museum], in N.F. Fedorov: pro et contra. Antologiya: v 2 kn., kn. 2 [N.F. Fyodorov: pro et contra. Anthology: in 2 books, book 2]. Saint-Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo RHGA, 2008, pp. 450–482.

5. Chekrygin, V.N. Manifest khudozhnikov zhivopisi [A Manifest of the Painters], in Murina, E.B., Rakitin, V.I. Vasiliy Nikolaevich Chekrygin [Vasily Nikolaevich Chekrygin]. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo «RA», 2005, pp. 165–167.

6. Chekrygin, V.N. Tetrad' s fotoreproduktsiyami i vyrezkami iz al'bomov reproduktsiy ikon, fresok, skul'ptury (1910–1912) [Notebook with Photo-Reproductions and Clippings from Albums with Reproductions of Icons, Frescos and Sculptures (1910–1912)], in RGALI. Fond 73. № 3145. Opis' № 2. Ed. hr. № 1287, 1288,1289,1290. (Fond N.I. Khardzhieva).

7. Chekrygin, V.N. Programma godichnogo kursa lektsiy po filosofii iskusstva. Avtograf. 1921. Datirovka N.I. Hardzhieva [The Program of One-year Course on Art Philosophy], in RGALI. Fond 73. № 3145. Opis' № 2. Ed. hr. 1235. 5 l. (Fond N.I. Khardzhieva).

8. Chekrygin, V.N. Mysli 1920–1921 [Thoughts 1920–1921], in Murina, E.B., Rakitin, V.I. Vasiliy Nikolaevich Chekrygin [Vasily Nikolaevich Chekrygin]. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo «RA», 2005, pp. 218–229.

9. Chekrygin, V.N. Iz perepiski s N.N. Puninym 1920–1922 [From the Correspondence with N.N. Punin 1920–1922], in Murina, E.B., Rakitin, V.I. Vasiliy Nikolaevich Chekrygin [Vasily Nikolaevich Chekrygin]. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo «RA», 2005, pp.  205–218.

10. Chekrygin, V.N. Iz perepiski s G.V. Labunskoy [From the Correspondence with G.V. Labunskaya], in Murina, E.B., Rakitin, V.I. Vasiliy Nikolaevich Chekrygin [Vasily Nikolaevich Chekrygin]. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo «RA», 2005, pp. 157–158.

11. Chekrygin, V.N. O namechayushchemsya novom etape obshcheevropeyskogo iskusstva [About Upcoming New Era of the All-European Art], in Murina, E.B., Rakitin, V.I. Vasiliy Nikolaevich Chekrygin [Vasily Nikolaevich Chekrygin]. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo «RA», 2005, pp. 231–234.

12. Gorskiy, A.K. Nikolay Fedorovich Fedorov i sovremennost' [Nikolay Fyodorovich Fyodorov and Modernity], in Gorskiy, A.K. Sochineniya i pis'ma: v 2 kn., kn. 2 [Works and Letters in 2 books, book 2]. Moscow: IMLI RAS, 2018, pp. 663–812.

(Articles from Scientific Journals)

13. Bakushinskiy, A.V. V puti k velikomu iskusstvu [On the Way to the Great Art], in Zhizn', 1922, no. 3, pp. 132–135.

14. Ichin, K. Voskresheniem protiv bratoubiystva: Vasiliy Chekrygin [Resurrection Against the Fratricide: Vasily Chekrygin], in Voprosy filosofii, 2016, no. 4, pp. 103–112.

(Articles from Proceedings and Collections of Research Papers)

15. Gacheva, A.G. V.N. Chekrygin. O Sobore Voskreshayushchego muzeya [Chekrygin. About Convocation of the Resurrecting Museum], in N.F. Fedorov: pro et contra. Antologiya: v 2 kn., kn. 2 [N.F. Fyodorov: pro et contra. Anthology: in 2 books, book 2]. Saint-Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo RHGA, 2008, pp. 1113–1116.

16. Gacheva, A.G. Na putyakh k tvorchestvu zhizni (N.F. Fedorov i V.N. Chekrygin) [On the Ways to the Creativity in Life (N.F. Fyodorov and V.N. Chekrygin)], in Sbornik nauchnykh statey «Sluzhitel' dukha vechnoy pamyati»: Nikolay Fedorovich Fedorov. Ch. 2 [Collection of scientific articles “Servant of the spirit of eternal memory”: Nikolai Fedorovich Fedorov. Part 2]. Moscow: Pashkov dom, 2010, pp. 88–100.

17. Murina, E.B. Vasiliy Nikolaevich Chekrygin [Vasily Nikolaevich Chekrygin], in Murina, E.B., Rakitin, V.I. Vasiliy Nikolaevich Chekrygin [Vasily Nikolaevich Chekrygin]. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo «RA» (Russkiy avangard), 2005, pp. 7–48.

18. Rakitin, V.I. Predvaritel'noe deystvie [Preliminary Action], in Murina, E.B., Rakitin, V.I. Vasiliy Nikolaevich Chekrygin [Vasily Nikolaevich Chekrygin]. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo «RA» (Russkiy avangard), 2005, pp. 145–151.


19. Bakushinskiy, A.V. Issledovaniya i stat'i. Izbrannye iskusstvovedcheskie trudy [Researches and Articles. Selected Art History Works]. Moscow: Sovetskiy khudozhnik, 1981. 237 p.

20. Bychkov, V.V. Russkaya teurgicheskaya estetika [Russian Theurgical Aesthetics]. Moscow: Ladomir, 2007. 743 p. 

21. Gacheva, A.G. «Ideal ved' tozhe deystvitel'nost'...» Russkaya filosofiya i literatura [“The ideal is also reality...” Russian philosophy and literature]. Moscow: Akademicheskiy proekt, 2019. 734 p.

22. Losev, A.F. Vladimir Solov'ev i ego vremya [Vladimir Solovyev and His Time]. Moscow: Progress, 1990. 720 p.

23. Lottse, G. Mikrokozm. Mysli o estestvennoy i bytovoy istorii chelovechestva. Opyt antropologii Germana Lottse. Ch. 1–3. Ch. 1 [Microcosm. Thoughts about the natural and everyday history of mankind. The experience of anthropology in Germany. Part 1–3. Part 1]. Moscow: K. Soldatenkov, 1866–1867. 509 p.

24. Murina, E.B., Rakitin, V.I. Vasiliy Nikolaevich Chekrygin [Vasily Nikolaevich Chekrygin]. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo «RA», 2005. 288 p.

25. Semenova, S.G. Filosof budushchego veka [Philosopher of the Future Age]. Moscow: Pashkov dom, 2004. 584 p.

26. Sloterdayk, P., Khaynrikhs, G.-Yu. Solntse i smert': Dialogicheskie issledovaniya [Sun and Death: Dialogic Researches]. Saint-Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo Ivana Limbakha, 2015. 608 p. 

Key words: 
Philosophy of Chekrygin, aesthetic supramoralism of Fyodorov, “positive aesthetics” of V.S. Solovyov, Christian universalism, conciliarism, theurgy, church-museum
2023. Issue 4 (80)
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