Final «Historical Letters» by V.I. Lamansky (preface to the publication)
The article introduces the publication of the fragments of the sixth “Historical Letter on the Attitude of the Russian People to their Tribesmen” and the conclusion prepared by Vladimir Ivanovich Lamansky, a Slavophile and professor at St. Petersburg University. It is noted that other works of the scientist, on which he worked in the following years, remained unfinished. The facts allowing to indicate the date of writing the “Historical Letters” are given: 1859–1862, work interrupted by Lamansky's trip abroad (1862–1864). It is suggested that the “Historical Letters” were a continuation of the research direction outlined by Lamansky in his master's thesis “On the Slavs in Asia Minor, Africa and Spain” (1859), i.e. they were the result of his archival and desk work. The trip to the Slavic lands enriched the scholar with real knowledge of the Slavic peoples, their history and current situation, which made many of the arguments in the “Historical Letters” irrelevant. There are two subjects that Lamansky touched upon in his “last” letters, and which were further developed in his research and work. Firstly, these are the works in the field of national ethnography: his long-term leadership of the ethnographic department of the Russian Geographical Society, the organisation of the Slavic Congress and the Ethnographic Exhibition in 1867, the publication of the ethnographic journal “Zhivaya starina” (1890), the project of the of the ethnographic department of the Russian Museum (1899). Lamansky's statements on ethnography as fatherland studies or ethnology are presented, revealing his understanding of ethnographic science. Secondly, this is a historiosophical interpretation of the Oriental Question, considering it as an episode of interaction between two civilisations: the Greco-Slavic and the Romano-Germanic. The incompleteness of the “Historical Letters” is pointed out, which is reflected in the gaps in their publication.
1. Lamanskiy, V.I. Ot redaktora. Posvyashchaetsya pamyati dorogogo tovarishcha I.P. Minaeva [From the Editor. Dedicated to the memory of dear comrade I.P. Minaev], in Zhivaya starina, 1890, issue I, pp. XI–XLVI.
2. Sankt-Peterburgskiy filial arkhiva RAN (SPbF ARAN) [St. Petersburg Branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPbF ARAN)], f. 35, op. 3, ed. khr. 46.
3. Vserossiyskaya etnograficheskaya vystavka i slavyanskiy s²ezd v mae 1867 goda [All-Russian ethnographic exhibition and Slavic congress in May 1867]. Moscow: Tipogr. Katkov i Ko, 1867. 473 p.
Individual Works
4. Grot, K.Ya. Vladimir Ivanovich Lamanskiy [Vladimir Ivanovich Lamansky]. Petrograd: Tipografiya tovarishchestva A.S. Suvorina, 1915. 25 p.
(Articles from Scientific Journals)
5. Bazanov, P.N., Vakhitov, R.R., Gavrilov, I.B., Ermishina, K.B., Korol'kov, A.A., Malinov, A.V., Medovarov, M.V., Teslya, A.A., Fateev, V.A. Evraziystvo: pro et contra. K 100-letiyu vykhoda sbornika «Iskhod k vostoku». Materialy kruglogo stola nauchnogo proekta izdatel'stva SPbDA «Vizantiyskiy kabinet» [Eurasianism: pro et contra. To the 100th anniversary of the publication of the collection “Exodus to the East”. Materials of the roundtable discussion of the scientific project of the SPbDA Publishing House “Byzantine Study”], in Russko-vizantiyskiy vestnik, 2023, no. 2, pp. 12–52. DOI: 10.47132/2588-0276_2023_2_12 EDN YXORII
6. Bazhov, S.I., Berdnikova, A.Yu., Vorozhikhina, K.V., Danilevskaya, O.N., Ermishina, K.B., Malinov, A.V., Sidorin, V.V., Smirnov, A.V., Teslya, A.A., Fetisenko, O.L. K 200-letiyu N.Ya. Danilevskogo. Tvorcheskoe nasledie N.Ya. Danilevskogo: istoriya i sovremennost'. Materialy kruglogo stola [To the 200th anniversary of N.Y. Danilevsky. Creative heritage of N.Ya. Danilevsky: history and modernity. Materials of the round table], in Filosofskiy polilog, 2022, no. 2, pp. 101–150.
7. Kupriyanov, V.A., Malinov, A.V. «Istoricheskie pis'ma ob otnosheniyakh russkogo naroda k ego soplemennikam» V.I. Lamanskogo: konteksty tret'ego pis'ma (k publikatsii «Istoricheskikh pisem ob otnosheniyakh russkogo naroda k ego soplemennikam» V.I. Lamanskogo) [V.I. Lamansky's “Historical Letters on the Relations of the Russian People to its Tribesmen”: Contexts of the Third Letter (to the publication of V.I. Lamansky's “Historical Letters on the Relations of the Russian People to its Tribesmen”)], in Solov'evskie issledovaniya, 2022, issue 4, pp. 49–64. DOI: 10.17588/2076-9210.2022.4.049-064
8. Malinov, A.V. Vostochnyy vopros v politiko-geograficheskom uchenii V.I. Lamanskogo [The Eastern question in the political and geographical doctrine of V.I. Lamansky], in Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Filosofiya i konfliktologiya, 2022, vol. 38, issue 4, pp. 594–611.
9. Seliverstov, S.V. Dve tendentsii ponimaniya «trekh mirov» v ranneevraziyskom dis-kurse: V.I. Lamanskiy i I. Gasprinskiy (vtoraya polovina XIX – nachalo XX v.) [Two tendencies of understanding the “three worlds” in early Eurasian discourse: V.I. Lamansky and I. Gasprinsky (second half of the XIX – beginning of the XX)], in Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 4. Istoriya. Regionovedenie. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, 2022, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 160–170. DOI:
10. Volkova, E.A. V.I. Lamanskiy i ego ucheniki [V.I. Lamansky and his students], in Filosofskij polilog, 2022, no. 2, pp. 61–72.
(Articles from Proceedings and Collections of Research Papers)
11. Dmitriev, A.P. Novoe o tsenzurnoy istorii slavyanofil'skikh izdaniy – gazet «Molva» i «Parus» i zhurnala «Russkaya beseda» (iz neopublikovannoy perepiski I.S. Aksakova i grafini A.D. Bludovoy 1858–1859 gg.) [New about the censorship history of Slavophile publications – newspapers “Molva” and “Parus” and the journal “Russkaya Beseda” (from unpublished correspondence of I.S. Aksakov and Countess A.D. Bludova 1858–1859)], in Tsenzura v Rossii: istoriya i sovremennost' [Censorship in Russia: History and Modernity]. Saint-Petersburg: Rossiyskaya natsional'naya biblioteka, 2021, pp. 152–178.
(Thesis and Thesis Abstracts)
12. Saprikina, O.V. Akademik V.I. Lamanskiy (1833–1914): nauchnoe nasledie i obshchestvennaya deyatel'nost'. Diss. … kand. ist. nauk [Academician V.I. Lamansky (1833–1914): scientific heritage and public activity. Cand. hist. sci. diss.]. Moscow, 2004. 32 p.