Philosophical and aesthetic views of G.V.F. Hegel and V.S. Solovyov: on the question of influence
The article provides a comparative analysis of the aesthetic views of G.W.F. Hegel (based on the material of “Lectures on Aesthetics” prepared for publication by H.-G. Goto) and V.S. Solovyov. The presented history of the question of the influence of Hegelian philosophy on Solovyov's work demonstrates the prospects and productivity of research related to the issues of aesthetics of Solovyov and Hegel. In this regard, there is a need to summarize the results of the investigations on this topic, making a number of important clarifications and revealing previously intended points of convergence and divergence of the two philosophers. Both general aesthetic problems (the meaning of beauty in nature, the connection between beauty and the absolute idea) and applied issues of an art and literary nature (justification of the hierarchy of arts, features of lyrical poetry) are considered. A direct and hidden polemic of Solovyov with Hegel's ideas is revealed: the objection to the subjectivity of the perception of beauty in nature, the emphasis on the need to spiritualize substance under the influence of beauty. Clarifying the understanding of the role of art in history by Hegel and Solovyov makes it possible to more clearly trace the grandiose prospects for the development of art in the Russian philosopher, whose concept of theurgic creativity will later be adopted by younger symbolists. Speaking not only as a philosopher, but also as a poet, Solovyov criticizes Hegel's position on lyrical poetry as an expression of the individual subjective consciousness of the artist. It is demonstrated how the Hegelian dialectical method is implemented by Solovyov in characterizing the stages of development of Russian poetry of the XIX century. It is suggested that the dialectic of freedom and necessity was interpreted by Solovyov when presenting the theory of fate as the Providence of God.
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