Pushkin in the historiosophical dispute between Ivan Aksakov and Vladimir Solovyov
The article compares the approaches of I. Aksakov and Vl. Solovyov to comprehend the phenomenon of Pushkin's creativity in the process of the formation of national identity. The statement of the problem is connected with the need to clarify the question of the genesis of the concept of national self-denial by Vl. Solovyov, opposed to the Slavophile idea of national self-consciousness, which he mistakenly associated with national “exclusivity”, nationalism. The starting point of the historiosophical dispute between Aksakov and Solovyov was the Pushkin celebrations of 1880 and Dostoevsky's speech, which Aksakov perceived as a “triumph” of Slavophilism, and Solovyov as a defeat of the Slavophile idea in favor of joining world Christian history. At the same time, the central argument for the historical beneficence of “national self-denial” for Solovyov is two iconic figures of Russian history: Pushkin and Peter I. It is noted that the attitude of I. Aksakov and Vl. Solovyov to Pushkin evolved in a peculiar way and had both points of irreconcilable divergence and intersection. It is proved that the late Solovyov, developing the foundations of his “moral philosophy”, considering the phenomenon of Pushkin's creativity from a moral and aesthetic position, came closest to Aksakov's idea of Pushkin's place in the historical and cultural process of national self-consciousness.
Individual Works
1. Aksakov, I.S. Stat'i iz «Dnya», «Moskvy», «Moskvicha» i «Rusi», a takzhe napechatannye otdel'no [Articles from the “Day”, “Moscow”, “Moskvich” and “Rus”, as well as printed separately], in Aksakov, I.S. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy I.S. Aksakova. T. 1–7 [Complete works of I.S. Aksakov. Vol. 1–7]. Moscow: tipografiya M.G. Volchaninova, 1886–1887.
2. Aksakov, I.S. «Otchego tak nelegko zhivetsya v Rossii?» [Why is it so hard to live in Russia?]. Moscow: Rossiyskaya politicheskaya entsiklopediya (ROSSPEN), 2002. 1008 p.
3. Aksakov, I.S. Pis'ma rodnym. 1849–1856 [Letters to relatives. 1849–1856]. Moscow: Nauka, 1994. 704 p.
4. Aksakov, I.S. Biografiya Fedora Ivanovicha Tyutcheva. Reprintnoe vosproizvedenie izdaniya 1886 goda [Biography of Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev. Reprint reproduction of the 1886 edition]. Moscow: AO «Kniga i biznes», 1997. 328 p.
5. Aksakov, K.S. Estetika i literaturnaya kritika [Aesthetics and literary criticism]. Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1995. 526 p.
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7. Fetisenko, O.L. (ed.) Sem'ya Aksakovykh i N.S. Sokhanskaya (Kokhanovskaya): Perepiska. 1858–1884 [The Aksakov Family and N.S. Sokhanskaya (Kokhanovskaya). Correspondences 1858–1884]. Saint-Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo «Pushkinskiy Dom», 2018. 600 p.
8. Grigor'ev, Apollon. Estetika i kritika [Aesthetics and criticism]. Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1980. 496 p.
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(Articles from Proceedings and Collections of Research Papers)
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