V.S. Solovyov Interregional Scientific and Educational Center for Heritage Research (Solovyov seminar). Chronicle of activity. Part 4: 2019–2024
The fourth part of the published chronicle of the scientific activities of the Solovyov Seminar – the Interregional Scientific and Educational Center for Heritage Research of V.S. Solovyov provides information on the main scientific, cultural and educational projects implemented in the period from 2019 to 2024 inclusive. A list of events is given, including information about scientific conferences held, about the participation of the Solovyov seminar in the organization of International, All-Russian and regional scientific events, presentations of the “Solovyov Studies” journal in Russian and foreign educational and scientific institutions, youth projects of the Solovyov seminar – student scientific conferences, concerts, musical and poetic evenings, exhibitions, about issues and publications dedicated to the activities of the Solovyov seminar, in the local and central press, about visiting meetings of the Solovyov seminar.
(Articles from Scientific Journals)
1. Maksimov, M. La revue Solov’ëvskie issledovanija [Les Études solovieviennes] et la réception de l’œuvre de Vladimir Soloviev en Europe. Slavica Occitanian. Revue de Slavistique – Université de Toulouse, 2019, no. 49, pp. 345–352.
2. Ermichev, A.A. Nash pervyy zhurnal, posvyashchennyy istorii russkoy filosofii [Rets. na:] Maksimov M.V. Bibliograficheskiy ukazatel' statey, obzorov i retsenziy, opublikovannykh v zhurnale «Solov'evskie issledovaniya» (2001–2021 gg. Vyp. 1–72). SPb.: Aleteyya, 2022. 416 s. [References of articles, reviews and reviews published in the journal “Solovyov studies” (2001–2021), Iss. 1–72). St. Petersburg: Aleteya, 2022. 416 p.], in Solov'evskie issledovaniya, 2022, issue 4(76), pp. 187–190.
3. Maksimov, M.V. Stat'i, obzory i retsenzii, opublikovannye v zhurnale «Solov'evskie issledovaniya». Bibliograficheskiy ukazatel': 2001–2021 gg. Vyp. 1–72 [Articles, reviews and assessments published in the journal “Solovyov studies” / M.V. Maksimov. Bibliographic index: 2001–2021 Issues 1–72]. Saint-Petersburg: Aleteyya, 2022. 416 p.
(Thesis and Thesis Abstracts)
4. Maksimov, M. Vladimir Solov'ev i Maksim Ispovednik: metafizika i bogoslovie lyubvi [Vladimir Solovyov and Maxim the Confessor: metaphysics and theology of love], in Book of Abstracts. Krakow Conferences on Russian Philosophy «Vladimir Soloviev: the Metaphysics of Love», Krakow, June 2–5, 2019. Krakow, Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec: Uniwersitet Papieski Jana Pawla II v Krakowie, 2019, pp. 43–46.
3. Programma Mezhdunarodnogo nauchnogo simpoziuma «Osennyaya sessiya Solov'evskogo seminara, posvyashchennaya 20-letiyu zhurnala “Solov'evskie issledovaniya”», Ivanovo, 29 sentyabrya – 02 oktyabrya 2021 g. [Program of the International Scientific Symposium "Autumn session of the Solovyov Seminar dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the journal “Solovyov Studies” ", Ivanovo, 29 September – 2 October, 2021], in Solov'evskie issledovaniya, 2021, issue 4(72), pp. 163–182.
(Electronic Resources)
6. Zhurnal «Solov'evskie issledovaniya» vklyuchen v Belyy spisok Minobrnauki [The journal “Solovyov studies” included in the White List of the Ministry of Education and Science]. Available at: https://journalrank.rcsi.science/ru/record-sources/details/28588/
7. Maksimov, M.V. Zhurnal «Solov'evskie issledovaniya» voshel v top-10 luchshikh filosofskikh zhurnalov Rossii [The journal “Solovyov studies” entered the top 10 best philosophical journals in Russia]. Available at: http://ispu.ru/node/20123