Vladumir Solovyov and Russian symbolism: Aleksei F. Losev’s concept and current analysis practices
The problem of “Vladimir Solovyov and Russian symbolism” is considered in the article through the “prism” of the judgments of one of the last “Solovyov’s follower” of the twentieth century – Aleksey Fedorovich Losev (1893–1988). During the analysis, it was revealed that for an exhaustive understanding of Losev's judgments about symbolism and Solovyov in the late 1980s, when the thinker created the book “Vladimir Solovyov and his Time”, it is necessary to take into account the entire corpus of Losev's texts, primarily in the 1920s and 1930s (about Neoplatonism, name-glorification [imiaslavie], Dionysius the Areopagite, Nicholas of Cusa, etc.). It is shown that the development of Solovyov's legacy and Russian symbolism is conducted by Losev from the point of his own antinomic-dialectic system, which allows him to outline the dialectic of Solovyov's antinomic-synthetic symbolism more clearly and demonstrate both convergence and fundamental differences with contemporaries and followers – philosophers (Lev Lopatin, Eugene Trubetskoy, Ernest Radlov, Losev himself) and symbolists (Akim Volynsky, Vycheslav Ivanov, Dmitry Merezhkovsky, etc.). Losev's point of view on the “specificum” of Solovyov’s dialectic – his doctrine of Sophia and “all-unity”, mystical in spirit and symbolic in structure – is analyzed. The specificity of Losev’s approach to Russian Symbolism is determined by his dialectic of the symbol, which turns out to be the correlate by which Losev diagnoses the degree of closeness or distance to Soloviev’s ideas of specific Russian Symbolists. Losev's approach to the problem-thematic field associated with antinomianism can be used in modern practices of analyzing the role of antinomianism in the discourse of Russian symbolism in its two versions – literary and philosophical.
Collected Works
- Losev, A.F. Samoe samo [Self Itself], in Losev, A.F. Mif. Chislo. Sushchnost' [Myth. Number. Essence]. Moscow: Mysl’, 1994, pp. 299–526.
- Losev, A.F. Istoriya esteticheskikh ucheniy. Predislovie [The history of aesthetic teachings. Preface], in Losev, A.F. Forma. Stil'. Vyrazhenie [Form. Style. Expression]. Moscow: Mysl’, 1995, pp. 322–356.
Individual Works
- Florenskiy, P.A. Stolp i utverzhdenie Istiny. Opyt pravoslavnoy teoditsei v dvenadtsati pis'makh [The Pillar and Ground of the Truth: An Essay in Orthodox Theodicy in Twelve Letters]. Moscow: Akademicheskiy proekt, 2017. 905 p.
- Gasparov, M.L. Antinomichnost' poetiki russkogo modernizma [The antinomianism of the poetics of Russian Modernism], in Gasparov, M.L. Izbrannye trudy [Selected works]. Moscow: Yazyki russkoy kul'tury, 1997, pp. 434–458 (Ser. «Yazyk. Semiotika. Kul'tura». Vol. 2).
- Khoruzhiy, S.S. Provody russkogo idealizma: Razmyshleniya na polyakh knigi A.F. Loseva «Vladimir Solov'ev i ego vremya» [Seeing Off Russian Idealism: Reflections on the Margins of A.F. Losev's book “Vladimir Solovyov and His Time”], in Literaturnaya gazeta, 1991, no. 37, 18 September, p. 13.
- Losev, A.F. Vl. Solov'ev [Vladimir Solovyov]. Moscow: Mysl’, 1983. 206 p.
- Losev, A.F. Vladimir Solov'ev i ego vremya [Vladimir Solovyov and his time]. Moscow: Progress, 1990. 720 p.
- Losev, A.F. Vladimir Solov'ev i ego vremya [Vladimir Solovyov and his time]. Moscow: Molodaya gvardiya, 2000. 614 p.
- Losev, A.F. Vladimir Solov'ev i ego vremya [Vladimir Solovyov and his time]. Moscow: Molodaya gvardiya, 2009. 616 p.
- Losev, A.F. Imyaslavie [Imyaslavie], in Losev, A.F. Izbrannye trudy po imyaslaviyu i korpusu sochineniy Dionisiya Areopagita: s pril. per. traktata «O Bozhestvennykh imenakh» [Selected works on the name and corpus of the works of Dionysius the Areopagite: from the appendix of the translation of the treatise “On Divine Names”]. Saint-Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo Olega Abyshko; «Universitet. kniga – SPb.», 2009, pp. 5–18.
- Losev, A.F. O sushchnosti i energii (imeni) [About the essence and energy (name)], in Losev, A.F. Izbrannye trudy po imyaslaviyu i korpusu sochineniy Dionisiya Areopagita: s pril. per. traktata «O Bozhestvennykh imenakh» [Selected works on the name and corpus of the works of Dionysius the Areopagite: from the appendix of the translation of the treatise “On Divine Names”]. Saint-Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo Olega Abyshko; «Universitet. kniga – SPb.», 2009, pp. 84–90.
- Losev, A.F. Nikolay Kuzanskiy v perevodakh i kommentariyakh: v 2 t., t. 1 [Nikolai Kuzansky in translations and comments, in 2 vols., vol. 1]. Moscow: Izdatel'skiy Dom YaSK, 2016. 728 p.
- Takho-Godi, A.A., Takho-Godi, E.A., Troitskiy, V.P. (ed.) Aleksey Fedorovich Losev: Biobibliograficheskiy ukazatel': k 120-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya (Spetsvypusk Byulletenya Biblioteki «Dom A.F. Loseva». Vyp. 17) [Aleksei Fedorovich Losev: Biobibliographic index: to the 120th anniversary of his birth (Spetsvypusk Biulletenia Biblioteki “Dom A.F. Loseva”. Issue 17)]. Moscow: Dizayn i poligrafiya, 2013. 344 p.
(Articles from Scientific Journals)
- Chervyakov, N.A. Obzor XVIII Losevskikh chteniy «Pominayte uchiteley i nastavnikov vashikh…» (K 130-letiyu A.F. Loseva) [Review of the XVIII Losev readings “Remember your teachers and mentors ...” (To the 130th anniversary of A.F. Losev)], in Sretenskoe slovo, 2023 no. 4, pp. 135–151.
- Fedotova, S.V. Kartografiya metodologicheskikh podkhodov k fenomenu russkogo simvolizma (Na primere tvorchestva Vyach. Ivanova) [Mapping out methodological approaches to russian symbolism (On the example of Vyacheslav Ivanov)], in Studia Litterarum, 2020, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 38–65.
- Kornilov, S.V. Vl. Solov'ev i ego vremya v otsenke A.F. Loseva [Vl. Solovyov and his time in A.F. Losev’s estimation], in Solov'evskie issledovaniya, 2024, issue 2(82), pp. 22–34.
- Korostelev, O.A. Krug Merezhkovskikh o Vl. Solov'eve do revolyutsii i v emigratsii [Merezhkovskys’ circle on Vladimir Solovyov before the revolution and in emigration], in Solov'evskie issledovaniya, 2018, no. 3(59), pp. 74–86.
- Rashkovskiy, E.B. Losev i Solov'ev [Losev and Solovyov], in Voprosy filosofii, 1992, no. 4, pp. 141–150.
(Articles from Proceedings and Collections of Research Papers)
- Gravin, A.A. Samoe samo kak metodologicheskiy i yazykovoy printsip filosofii vseedinstva A.F. Loseva [Self Itself as methodological and linguistic principle of A.F. Losev’s philosophy of all-unity], in Platonovskie issledovaniya, 2021, issue 14, part 1, pp. 215–225.
- Zenkin, K.V. Ponyatie khudozhestvennogo stilya v trudakh A.F. Loseva [The concept of artistic style in the works of A.F. Losev], in Losev, A.F. Uchenie o stile [The Study on style]. Moscow; Saint-Petersburg: Nestor-Istorya, 2019, pp. 7–22.