Eschatological realism as the Russian philosophy of the future

Author: korolevaNV / Date: 18-12-2024 /
Publication Title: 
Eschatological realism as the Russian philosophy of the future
Publication author(s): 
V.P. Okeansky

The article is devoted to the assessment of the current state, successes and failures in the development of Russian religious philosophy of the last two centuries, as well as issues of actualization and the enduring significance of V.S. Solovyov's legacy. Attention is drawn to the colossal shifts that have occurred over the past decades in understanding the importance of Russian metaphysics, in particular in comprehending literary works, and the modern role of V.S. Solovyov's work is seen in the necessary resurrection of Platonism, as well as a convincing support for its new cultural ascent. The prospects are associated with an in-depth study of the sophiological problems, philosophy of the heart and creative eschatology the method of religious and philosophical hermeneutics being used.



(Articles from Scientific Journals)

  1.  Mezhuev, B.V. «On videl osobuyu missiyu russkogo naroda». Pochemu filosof Vladimir Solov'ev schital, chto Rossiya ob"edinit vse chelovechestvo? [“He saw the special mission of the Russian people”. Why did the philosopher Vladimir Solovyov believe that Russia would unite all mankind?], in Solov'evskie issledovaniya, 2024, issue 1(81), pp. 7–19.

(Articles from Proceedings and Collections of Research Papers)

  1.  Korobov-Latyntsev, A.Yu., Arutyunov, N.V. (ed.) Velikoe russkoe ispravlenie imen: sbornik po itogam zasedaniy filosofskogo sobora v 2022 godu [The Great Russian correction of names: a collection based on the results of the meetings of the Philosophical Council in 2022]. Saint-Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo «Solntse Severa», 2023. 240 p.


3. Okeanskiy, V.P., Okeanskaya, Zh.L. «Glubochayshaya metafizika»: Dukhovnye dominanty otechestvennoy filosofskoy mysli [“The deepest metaphysics”: Spiritual dominants of Russian philosophical thought], in Russkaya filosofiya v Rossii i v mire [Russian philosophy in Russia and in the world]. Moscow: Ob"edinennoe dvizhenie «Russkaya filosofiya», 2019, pp. 72–77.


Key words: 
religious philosophy, God-man tradition, axiological failure, Platonism, neo-Marxism, criticism of egological reason, sophiology, eschatology
2024. Issue 4 (84)
The DOI index: 
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