“The Russian Idea” by Vladimir Solovyov and “On the Russian Idea” by Vyacheslav Ivanov: the Rhetoric of Prophetic Word and the Thesaurus of Thought

Author: korolevaNV / Date: 18-12-2024 /
Publication Title: 
“The Russian Idea” by Vladimir Solovyov and “On the Russian Idea” by Vyacheslav Ivanov: the Rhetoric of Prophetic Word and the Thesaurus of Thought
Publication author(s): 
S.D. Titarenko

The paper examines the significance of the philosophy of all-unity and moral philosophy of Vladimir Solovyov based on the little-studied problem of comparative analysis of his essay “The Russian Idea” (1888) and Vyacheslav Ivanov’s essay “On the Russian Idea” (1909). Ivanov's essay was supplemented and published in Germany in German language under the title “The Russian Idea” (“Die Russische Idee”) (1930). Both essays address the issues of overcoming the crisis of humanistic and religious consciousness in Russia and Europe. The cultural-philosophical ideas and thesaurus of the essays are analyzed. The thesaurus approach, as a basis for comparative analysis, allows for the identification of constants in the thinking of Solovyov and Ivanov, which are based on the concepts of “the Russian idea”, “Russia and Europe”, “national idea and nationalism”, “religious consciousness”, “religious culture and all-world unity” and “Christian revival”. It is shown that in Ivanov's understanding, the concept of “the Russian idea” represents the ideal of a revived Christian self-consciousness, similar to that of Solovyov and his predecessor F.M. Dostoevsky. It serves as “the first principle” of religious and national self-determination and stands in opposition to the notion of “nationalism”. These issues are also addressed in Ivanov's essay “The Religious Case of Vladimir Solovyov” (1916), his collection of essays “Native and Universal” (1917), and his book “Dostoevsky: Tragedy – Myth – Mysticism” (1932). Analyzing the thesaurus of Solovyov's and Ivanov's essays leads to the conclusion that they are characterized by rhetoric based on universal words, which are united by the symbolic significance of the concept of “the Russian idea”. Its meaning is determined by the humanistic and religious mission of Russia, which is important for preserving a space of cultural and religious unity between Russia and Europe, overcoming enmity among nations, nationalism, and authoritarianism.  A comparative analysis is conducted between the ideas of Solovyov and Ivanov and the problematic aspects of Oswald Spengler's book “The Decline of the West” (1918–1922). The cultural-philosophical prophecy of Spengler regarding the cyclicality and “decline” of European culture is considered. The problem of the revival of Christian culture on the basis of the “Russian idea”, which represents the direction of thought of Solovyov, Ivanov, Dostoevsky, is of interest for understanding the meaning of Solovyov's Christian universalism, the ideas of which are relevant today.



Collected Works

1. Ivanov, Vyach. Religioznoe delo Vladimira Solov'eva [The Religious Case of Vladimir Solovyov], in Ivanov, V.I. Sobranie sochineniy. T. 3 [Collected Works. Vol. 3]. Bryussel': Foyer Oriental Chretien, 1979, pp. 296–306.

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3. Ivanov, Vyach.I. Po zvezdam: Opyty filosofskie, esteticheskie i kriticheskie: Stat'i i Aforizmy: v 2 t., t. 2 [By the Stars: Philosophical, Aesthetic, and Critical Experiences: Articles and Aphorisms: in 2 vols., vol. 2]. Saint-Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo «Pushkinskiy Dom», 2018. 667 p.

4. Solov'ev, V.S. Russkaya ideya [The Russian Idea], in Solov'ev V.S. Sochineniya v 2 t., t. 2. Chteniya o Bogochelovechestve. Filosofskaya publitsistika [Works in 2 vols., vol. 2. Readings about Godmanhood. Philosophical Journalism]. Moscow: Pravda, 1989, pp. 219–246.

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Individual Works

8. Iwanow, Wiatscheslaw. Die Russische Idee. Übersetzt und mit einer Einleitung versehen von J. Schor. Tübingen, Verlag von J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1930. 40 p.

9. Ivanov, Vyach. Russkaya ideya [The Russian Idea], in Simvol, 2008, no. 53–54, pp. 96–134.

10. Ivanov, Vyach. Konspekt lektsiy «Russkaya tserkov' i religioznaya dusha naroda» [Lecture notes “The Russian Church and the Religious Soul of the People”], in Vyacheslav Ivanov. Issledovaniya i materialy. Vyp. 2 [Vyacheslav Ivanov. Research and materials. Issue 2]. Saint-Petersburg: RKhGA, 2016, pp. 399–410.

11. Ivanov, Vyach. «Dlya menya kul'tura stanovlenie dukhovnoy Feokratii».  Neizvestnoe pis'mo S.I. Gessenu [“For Me, Сulture is the Formation of a Spiritual Theocracy”. Unknown letter to S.I. Gessen], in Vyacheslav Ivanov. Issledovaniya i materialy. Vyp. 2 [Vyacheslav Ivanov. Research and materials. Issue 2]. Saint-Petersburg: RKhGA, 2016, pp. 386–398.

12. Ivanov, V.I. Dostoevskiy: Tragediya – Mif – Mistika [Dostoevsky: Tragedy – Myth – Mysticism].  Saint-Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo «Pushkinskiy Dom», 2021. 476 p.

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14. Soloviev, V. L’Idée russe. Paris: Perrin, 1888. 46 p.

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16. Solov'ev, V. Russkaya ideya [The Russian Idea]. Moscow, 1911. 51 p.

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(Articles from Scientific Journals)

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(Articles from Proceedings and Collections of Research Papers)

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27. Losev, A.F. Ocherki antichnogo simvolizma i mifologii [Еssays on Ancient Symbolism and Mythology]. Moscow: Mysl', 1993. 959 p.

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(Electronic Resources)

29. Katalog  biblioteki v Issledovatel'skom tsentre Vyacheslava Ivanova v Rime [Catalog of the library at the Vyacheslav Ivanov Research Center in Rome. Electronic resource]. Available at: https://www.v-ivanov.it/issledovaniya_ i_materialy/ katalog_biblioteki/ na_russkom_yazyke/ (data obrashcheniya 5.05.2023).


Key words: 
philosophy of world all-unity by V. Solovyov, religious-philosophical ideas of Vyach. Ivanov, image-concept, Russian idea, Russia and Europe, national idea and nationalism, eschatolog-ical myth about Russia, messianism, Russian soul, concept of Godmanhood, Christian hu-manism, Christian revival, culture and civilization
2024. Issue 4 (84)
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